ULMS Discovery Committee
The Discovery Functional Committee, in collaboration with COLD subcommittees and CSU Library's communities of practice, monitors and updates workflows and system configurations, conducts meetings and training workshops, and recommends policies and solutions related to discovery practices within the ULMS.
Latest News/updates
Known issues
2024-25 Priorities
VETT and Next Discovery Experience (NDE)
AI - Primo Research Assistant and Alethea (Leganto)
Data issues, Norm Rules, Linked Data
Sharing customizations
Wiki improvements
2023-24 Priorities
Data Issues (duplicate records)
OneSearch Mobile Experience
July 2024-June 2025
Ken Herold, Los Angeles (Chair; member 22-25)
Julie Shen, Pomona (member, 23-25)
Hannah Lee, Dominguez Hills (member, 23-25)
Kristi Chavez, Bakersfield (member, 23-25)
Can Li, San Francisco (member, 24-26)
Lauren Magnuson, San Marcos (member, 24-26)
David Walker - Chancellor Office (ex officio)
Task Force

Create training videos
Hold training sessions
Create canned reports for the CSU
Create visual representations of data using Tableau
Investigate how UI impacts resource usage

Review, approve, and implement Primo normalization rule requests
Provide recommendations on larger, systematic changes to norm rules

Investigate potential areas of improvement for uresolver menu and resource sharing links.

Investigate potential areas of improvement for the ULMS discovery user experience.
Propose improvements to the ULMS discovery user experience.
Work with campus developers to create system enhancements and integration that implement improvements to the ULMS discovery user experience
Past task forces
Documentation and How-To
Primo VE Customization
Normalization |
Tools and Documentation |
Primo VE How-To Documents

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Fewer results | Multiple campuses reporting fewer results returned in VE than in PBO | |
Unknown search profile | Unidentified Search Profile slot for Production View | |
DN profile | The Discovery Network (DN) is analogous to the Network Zone (NZ) with the exception that you don’t need to include your institution scope in any scope that includes the DN. Institution records are a subset of Discovery Network records. | |
CDI Search profile | Set Brief Results and Facets | |
Facet limits | Notes on Facet to limit to "my institution" | |
Excludes CDI eBooks | Enable “exclude CDI eBook” from search scopes that include Central Index |

Links Menu | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Hide links | On the full record display, the links section can contain many 856 links that institutions may not want to show. Because Primo VE does not have a built-in mechanism for configuring which links to hide or display, the best solution is to do this using your local customization package. | |
Local link | If you want to display these links only in local VE, you'll have to use General Electronic Services. | |
Turn off services | Is a Services view needed in VE? | |
GES - General Electronic Services | Including general GES, Scholarworks Links (not import profile for scholarworks), and link to report “Concerns about content” |
Search Profile Slots | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Voice search | Search by voice in firefox | |
Personalize results | Can't uncheck Personalize Results in one view |
Advanced Search Config | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Location filter | add Location to the search filter on the advanced search | |
Add ISSN | Can I add ISSN in adv search but not full record display? | |
Always Expand Advanced Search | Always show advanced search form expanded (default is to collapse the form after a search). |
Brief Records display | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Course instructor name | Course instructor names appear without comma | |
Course icon | How to remove Course icon in Brief Results | |
Share Export Action | Adds Share button that allows users to share records via social media to quick links Brief Display, Full Display, and My Favorites. |
Full Records Services | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Related Records | Related records not showing up |
Detail Display | Description | How to in Primo VE |
subject headings | how best to limit display of subject headings | |
Subject Headings | Norm rules for OOTB Search/facet for subjects | |
NZ/IZ MMSID and OCLC display | The display shows IZ MMS ID label (it should show NZ MMSID label). The OCLC number is in the identifier field (we removed rule 035 from our identifier field). There is no separate OCLC field(it should show OCLC field separately) | |
Incorrect item display information | Labels for the fields are incorrect and don't match the data in Alma or the Primo Classic display | |
search Inside | Search Inside service--can it be disabled |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
CSU Form Label | Configuring the CSU+ Form Label | |
Source field | Where does the Source field value originator? | |
Sign in button | Sign in button label | |
Labels | Delivery label codes not in use HTML code (limited) supported in VE labels | |
Label Configuration | Limited language allowed than Primo BO for “request this item” |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Location full record display | records with items in multiple locations, the location area in the full record renders in the collapsed view. | |
CSU+ GES display not working | A couple weeks ago we noticed that CSU+ links at many libraries were not appearing in Primo VE, even when they did appear in regular Primo. | |
Report a Problem form not working | It looks like the report a problem code came over correctly but I can't get it to do anything when I click "Report" | |
CSU+ Form | CSU+ Form Configuration | |
Item Display Config | Configure Full record display location table to look like class Primo table | |
Holding accuracy | Holdings information not loading | |
Check other campuses button | If you are missing the Check Holdings at other campuses button... | |
GES | GES showing up in undesired places |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Not append JWT token to pay fine link | Our pay fine link out of Library Card goes to a library page first and not directly to the credit card system. |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Discovery Import Profile - linking problem | Instead of the correct label they say "inkingParameter1" and open to a blank page. |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
ScholarWorks | Adding ScholarWorks | |
DeepLinks | Creating Deep Links | |
Lockers | Information and document on the use of lockers as a contactless pick-up option. | |
Ebsco | Configure EBSCO scope | |
Add new resources for external data | trying to add a new resource type - Libguides for our libguides data. | |
Libguides | We imported Libguides into our VE and created a local resource type "Libguides". The data show up in our VE correctly. However, our libguides records also show up in other institutions' VE instances. | |
Digital Commons profile | Import profile error “Invalid XML character was found in the element content of the document” | |
WorldCat | WorldCat link is not showing up | |
Google Scholar | Google Scholar publishing profile | |
Resource type facets | Resource type facets with external data sources | |
Unpaywall | Access open access articles through a PDF or link in the GetIt/ViewIt/etc. section |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Permalinks | The current BaseURL in PBO will continue to work after the switch, redirecting traffic to the Primo VE resolver. | Primo+VE+Tips+and+Tricks#How-will-permalinks-migrate-from-PBO-to-VE? |
Language displays | Language Display differences in VE | |
Resource Rec | You need to recreate the Resource Recommender settings in V | |
Process types | Excluded Process Types showing Services | Primo+VE+Tips+and+Tricks#Excluded-Process-Types-showing-Services |
Provide Warning Message when Guests Add to Favorites | Users who have not logged in are warned when adding records to Favorites that records are temporary and will last during the session only |

The thing | Description | How to in Primo VE |
Discovery and Rapido | Discovery changes related to implementing Rapido. Includes: search scopes, views, and request forms. | |
Hide Duplicate "Sign In" | Hide duplicate "Sign In" section of Rapido GetIt | |
Hide Rapido Offers for Media Items | Hide Rapido digital offers for locally defined resource types |
Ex Libris Documentation and Training

Primo VE 2020 Release Notes - updates on releases
Primo Documentation - Ex Libris Developer Network - community support, fixes, solutions
Primo VE - Become an Expert - future, current, and past (recorded) webinars
