Project Owner: Micah Jeffries (Unlicensed)
Overall Status
Meeting Notes
Status Reports
Project Links
- ULMS ILLiad/Alma NCIP Set-Up Procedure
- ILLiad NCIP - Alma Plugin from GitHub
- Distributing Add-ons through Server Share from Atlas
Major Milestones
Stage | Complete By | Status |
Initial project meeting | COMPLETED | |
Publish install notes from Sac | COMPLETED | |
Create draft procedure for NCIP Add-on Installation |
Revise procedure in accordance with Resource Sharing Task Force needs |
Project Team
Role | Name |
Sponsor | |
Project Lead | |
Team Members | Christian Ward, Sacramento Dawnelle Ricciardi, Sonoma Danny Soares, San Jose Jeremy Shellhase, Humboldt Ian Chan (Unlicensed), San Marcos |
Vendor Contacts |
Informed / Other Stakeholders |
Why are we doing this?
To reduce redundancy for staff workflows and streamline the user experience between ILLiad and Alma.
Goals 2017
- Step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and testing the NCIP add-on, including modification of add-on if not using primary ID as ILLiad primary ID
- Research alternative(automated) way to create new user accounts for hosted ILLiad instances.
- Address Lender of Last Resort email setup in Alma for request to migrate to ILLiad.
- Test the Plug-in with campuses.
Functional Needs and Acceptance Criteria:
Functional Need | User Story | Priority | Status |
ILLiad Patron record creation via Alma User Info API | As a patron, when I initially log into ILLiad, I need my ILS account info (barcode, patron type, email address, username, etc.) to populate an ILLiad record. | High | IN PROGRESS |
ILLiad NCIP plugin integration with Alma | As a patron, when I log into Alma, I want to see my ILLiad borrowing activity. | Medium | IN PROGRESS |
ILLiad Shibboleth Authentication | As a patron, when I log into ILLiad, Shibboleth verifies my credentials so that attributes can be pulled in from other Shibboleth-enabled systems. | Low | NOT STARTED |