Procedure Directory
Some CSU libraries export user fine/fee data to campus bursar systems. Creating an automated process allows for greater efficiency and provides the opportunity for integration of online payment through a campus payment processing system. Alma's existing Bursar integration exports fines and fees data to an ERP system such as PeopleSoft, but upon export, the fines become closed and the user's record becomes active again. The functionality desired by many campuses would enable fines and fees to be retrieved from Alma, payable by Credit Card through CashNet, with resulting confirmation of payment received by Alma and potentially by email to circulation desk staff.
User fine and fee data is available to 3rd party systems through Alma's External Systems Integration Profile, the User API, and the Analytics API. The first option utilizes Alma's built-in export functionality to extract patron fine/fee data and S/FTP to a campus server. Fines and fees exported via this method are considered closed in Alma, since they are handled by the campus bursar system.
The User API option can be used to retrieve and post user fine/fee data on a per user account basis. An important consideration before utilizing this method is the requirement that the GET/POST query include a user identifier. It does not appear possible at this time to retrieve multiple accounts where a fine/fee exists, through a single query.
Alma Analytics allows for the creation of reports that include all user accounts that have a fine/fee amount. Through the Analytics API it's possible to retrieve the report data and save to a local campus server. However, the use of the Alma Analytics API method is constrained by the nightly transfer of data from Alma to the Oracle BI database.
Each method exports data in XML.
Import of user fine/fee payment updates to Alma is available only via the User API method. However, any export method may be used with the payment update import process. Updates to user accounts are made on a per user basis. With PeopleSoft it is possible to utilize a reporting query or a query by an external script to retrieve fine/fee payment data for specific users.
Supporting Documents:
CashNet Products by Campus
Procedure Statement
This policy applies to the implementation considerations and system configuration required for exchanging user fine/fee data with a campus bursar system.
Implementation Considerations
Fines & Fees Export
How often should the library export user fine/fee data from Alma?
How often should the bursar system provide updates on user account fine/fee payments?
Data imported from Alma should either overwrite or update the user's bursar account with the difference between the amounts in the two systems.
The Library will need to determine a threshold amount above which the bursar system places a hold on the user's account.
Will the library export all user accounts with fines/fees to the bursar system, or only those with amounts above a certain threshold?
How will the library's policy on placing holds on user accounts correlate with hold placement in the bursar system?
Does the campus already offer an online payment portal that is integrated with the bursar system?
Library fine/fees transferred to the bursar system may be subject to the campus account payment rules. I.e. students may not have an option to specifically pay Library fine/fees, if other fee amounts (of higher priorty) exist in the user's account.
Will the Library retain over-the-counter payment methods and how will the bursar system receive those payment updates?
User API
Does the Library want real-time fines/fees output and payments sent between Alma & CASHNet or PayPal?
Availability to pay fines/fees for both Alma external and internal accounts.
Campuses may have already existing integrations between CASHNet and bursar system/PeopleSoft which may make the updating holds easier.
Ex Libris Documentation:
External Systems Integration Profile / Fines and Fees Export - Overview (Developer's Network)
Action log
Section | Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Last action taken | Next action required |
Provide documentation on potential integration methods and create list of best practice and procedural considerations. |
Tasks to be completed
- Working group provides feedback on initial documentation.
- San Marcos provides additional details on integration project.