CSU Special Collections and Archives Community of Practice
The California State University Archives Roundtable was established in 2016 by Berlin Loa and Pam Kruger as a community of practice to bridge the CSU campus archives and archivists, continuing the CSU-wide efforts that began in 1996. The mission of the CSU Archives Roundtable is to:
- Promote the CSU Archives and Special Collections Departments
- Establish an information exchange network for archivists in the CSU
- Increase public awareness of CSU Archives and Special Collections
- Create a professional collective archival voice within the CSU system
- Create space for conversation about archives and special collections within the CSU
CSU Archives Listserv address: csuspecialcollections@lists.csudh.edu
- Ellen Jarosz, California State University, Northridge
- Sean Visintainer, California State University, San Marcos
- Greg Williams, California State University, Dominguez Hills
- Heather Steele Gajewski, California State University, Long Beach
- Laura Sorvetti, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
- 2nd Thursday of each month from 11a-12p via Zoom.
Email Ryan Browar (rbrowar@csuchico.edu) to get the zoom link and calendar invite
Directory of CSU Archives Personnel
Current and previous Roundtable Facilitators:
- Berlin Loa and Pam Kruger (2016-2019)
- Pam Kruger and Patrisia Prestinary (2019-2020)
- Stefani Baldivia, Heather Steele Gajewski, Laura Sorvetti (2020-2021)
- Heather Steele Gajewski, Laura Sorvetti (2021-2023)
- Ryan Browar, Heather Steele Gajewski, Laura Sorvetti (2023-present)
CSU Roundtable Docs (Google Drive folders)
Special Collections and Archives Slack Channel
- #archives-special-collections
SAA Presentation on the CSUAAR 2021
Communities of Practice in Archives: Including Me in the We, Berlin Loa, Pam Kruger, Patrisia Prestinary, Stef Baldivia, Laura Sorvetti, Heather Steele Gajewski
ARCHIVES * RECORDS 2021: Together/Apart
July 31 – August 7, 2021
saa2021-cop-slides.pdf (application/pdf)