Council of Library Deans : Approved CRSP Resource Sharing Recommendations

OutcomeSee the 7 recommendations in the Background
Due date


  1. COLD agrees to a “CSU first” model of resource sharing in which the 23 libraries commit to lending and borrowing of returnables and e-resources within ALMA as the first tier of their resource-sharing model.
  2. COLD asks the CO to commit to hiring a permanent position that will continue indefinitely post-migration, dedicated primarily to supporting resource sharing among the 23 libraries.
  3. COLD agrees that third-party ULMS integration for INNReach (Link+, Circuit, Rapid-R, IDS, and other products) is a local decision, the cost of which will be borne at the local level.
  4. COLD asks the CO to implement ALMA-to-ILLIAD functionality for all 23 libraries.
  5. COLD agrees to the CRSP budget request to fund a consultant for ALMA resource-sharing to help advise and guide the CSU libraries through the ULMS migration process.
  6. COLD agrees to a budget request to fund a communications campaign prior to the ULMS launch to build buy-in and awareness of the ULMS and new resource-sharing services.
  7. COLD agrees to establish a governance unit within COLD to advise the CO on resource-sharing practices, policies, and procedures, and serve as a voice for the CSU libraries on issues related to resource sharing. 

Action items
