

  • Kevin Cloud, CSU, Julie Dinkins, California State University, Sonoma, Summer Espinoza, CSU Dominguez Hills, Tanya Hollis, San Francisco State University (Facilitator), Pamela Nett Kruger, California State University, Chico, Steve Kutay, California State University, Northridge, Berlin Loa, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Alyssa Loera, Cal Poly Pomona, Tom Philo, CSU Dominguez Hills, George Thompson, California State University, Chico, Adam Wallace, California State University, Fresno, Greg Williams, CSU Dominguez Hills, Aditi Worcester, California State University San Marcos, Bin Zhang, Sacramento State


1. Finalizing the draft charter for the Digital Archives Working Group (DAWG) available online at:

In general, it was expressed that there should be an ongoing commitment by the group to meet the needs of all of the CSUs, as each institution has different capacities, and each campus is utilizing different tools and approaches, with some campuses having more robust digitization programs than others. Some discussion was had about the Use Cases portion of the document, but it was otherwise approved by the group. The document will continue to be worked on as the group meets.

2. Discussion of membership, communication, meetings, goals, and creation of break out groups for ArchivesSpace implementation, digital asset management system platform

Membership: All current members are listed on the last page of the draft charter. Please review the list of names below; if there are more than 2 participants from your institution, you may wish to appoint someone from your campus to report back.

Participating Institutions/Members:

Azalea Camacho, California State University, Los Angeles

Suzanna Conrad, Sacramento State

James Fox, Sacramento State

Julie Dinkins, California State University, Sonoma

Summer Espinoza, CSU Dominguez Hills

Jessica Holada, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Tanya Hollis, San Francisco State University (Facilitator 2017-2019)

Pamela Nett Kruger, California State University, Chico

Steve Kutay, California State University, Northridge

Alyssa Loera, Cal Poly Pomona

Tom Philo, CSU Dominguez Hills

Lynn Prime, California State University, Sonoma

George Thompson, California State University, Chico

Zach Vowell, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Adam Wallace, California State University, Fresno

Greg Williams, CSU Dominguez Hills

Aditi Worcester, California State University San Marcos

Bin Zhang, Sacramento State

Communication: Meetings will continue through Zoom. All communication will go through the listserv (, with occasional posts going to Slack. To subscribe to the list visit this link:

Meetings: We will be meeting every other month, and will determine a standing meeting day.

Break out/affinity groups:

It was generally agreed that we will break into two affinity groups, one geared toward ArchivesSpace implementation, and another for the digital asset management system platform. We will further discuss these groups in person at the CSU IR Scholarworks Symposium over the summer.

DAM Affinity Group:

Will be working on the creation of a poll, similar to the poll created by Jessica Holada at San Luis Obispo for ArchivesSpace, to poll the CSU campuses on current digital asset management systems, digitization efforts, and use of digital materials in instruction, in consultation with Kevin Cloud. May also include questions on desired specifications, future needs, etc.

ArchivesSpace Affinity Group: Report to STIM on interest and costs of hosting ArchivesSpace (Zach Vowell may be working on this currently)

3. CSU IR (Scholarworks) Symposium, Summer 2018:

Generally determined to focus on a presentation related to digital asset management and exhibition possibilities on the Samvera platform, as many of ArchivesSpace users will not be in attendance.

ACTION: Will start Google doc in drive, to start brainstorming.

4. Report back from West Coast Samvera Regional Meeting

Pam, Julie, and Summer all gave brief reports. Pam shared her notes with the group:


  • Create Google drive. Completed:

  • Determine a standing meeting day

  • Create brainstorming document on drive for CSU IR Symposium, 2018

tmh 4/6/18