

  • Kevin Cloud

  • Carmen Mitchell

  • Matt Cook

  • Colleen Harris

  • Lauren Magnuson

  • Dana Ospina

  • Tanya Hollis

  • Alyssa Loera

  • Rita Premo

  • Andrew Weiss

  • Mark Bilby

  • Pam Kruger

  • Bin Zhang

  • Amy Dyess

  • Suzanna Conrad

  • Elizabeth Altman

  • Maria Pena

  • Renaldo Gjoshe

Discussion items

5 minIntroductions

25 minMigration UpdateKevin Cloud (Unlicensed)

Migration update - working with campus related authentication. Trying to use InCommon to make it easier for campuses to integrate as we migrate.

    • Also tackling the Dspace Handle situation. How to handle handles?
    • UI design work? Varies campus to campus.

Timeline: tackle the big issues this month and begin in May with the 1-on-1 campus deployments.

Kevin will reach out to the campuses starting mid-May to schedule migrations. Planning for the migrations to happen over the summer.

Q: Should we stop adding in materials/creating new collections into the Dspace ScholarWorks? A: It will be simpler if you don’t add in new materials.

Q: Do the Deans know that there has been a delay on the migration? A: Yes, reporting to STIM and COLD happens.

Q: What can the campuses do to help? A: Work on the design and branding. How you want it to look needs to be planned out at the campus level.

Q: What version of Hyrax are we working on and what will we be migrating on? A: The collections extension is an update to Samvera - specifically to Hyrax to improve integrations to collections and how they are represented in Hyrax. There are “works” and “collections” based on the Portland Common Data Model.

Q: Are you aware of any training that is coming up? A: Samvera released a couple of upcoming conferences. Kevin will share that info on the SW list.

Q: Are there plans to integrate ORCID? A: would require a LOT of customizations and work to do this, so not right now.

Q from Pam: I’m new (welcome, Pam!) what should I read/watch/learn to get up to speed?


Discussion of features requests and interest groups - maybe we need additional interest groups, like on on analytics? Maybe we need to wait until we get the migrations done before adding in more groups?

Ongoing questions about integrating the IR into the ULMS.

20 minIR Meeting Planning update/brainstorming

Matt Cook

Colleen Harris

Meeting planned for July 24th at CSU Channel Islands.

Dorms will be available and fairly inexpensive. A single is $40.00 and a shared room is $36.00. These rooms would be typical dorm rooms with a shared bathroom and no common room.  There is no air conditioning in these rooms. A 4 room suite (single room, but shared kitchen and common area) is $42.80. The common area is air conditioned but the rooms themselves are not.

Reduced rate at the local Courtyard Marriott. May need to confirm but rate at a local Marriott was $120.00 per night.  That hotel is about 7 miles from campus.

Colleen sending out a form asking if folks intend to come. Will have the whole meeting inside the CSU CI library.

Will have good food!

CSUCI recognizes parking passes from other campuses. Bring yours if you want to park for free.

What do folks want to know about the Channel Islands area? Please let Matt and Colleen know.

Colleen - will look into Zoom to stream to people that cannot attend.

Comment - IGs would like a little space to work together. Maybe a breakout session?

10 minIG Updates

Tanya Hollis

Dana Ospina

Lauren Magnuson

Carmen Mitchell

IG Updates - in the process of still being set up….

Action items

Kevin: Provide updates on progress, pass along announcements for upcoming training, work with IGs 

IGs: Continue to work on charges, plan for IR conference with CI folks