Date: May 4th, 2018, 2 - 3pm
Attendees: Carmen Mitchell (notetaker), Dana Ospina, Elizabeth Altman, Suzanna Conrad, Matt Cook,
Tiewei (Lucy) Liu, Andrew Weiss, David Drexler, Tanya Hollis, Amy Dyess
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
15 min | Migration Update | Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed) | Working on Shib authentication, using InCommon. Also looking at UI changes. How to manage in AWS and for the campuses. Handles: how to handle Handles? Hoping to reach out to campuses within the next week to set up meetings with campuses. Kevin is handling the bulk of the migration steps. You may or may not have certain requirements for UI. The CO might offer a specific interface as default...still a work in progress. Some campuses will want to customize the interface, this is totally possible. The next big interface change is going to be the collections right now the main UI focus is related to branding. QA steps: will be up to the campuses to work out. Elizabeth: Asked by Dean about storage/uptime/security...Are we doing this in AWS? (Yes.) KC: CO was running our own AWS, but in the process of consolidating. Many layers of procedures to cover this. Utilize InCommon. InCommon is for authentication. When you log in to the instance, all your credentials will work. InCommon is a standard for how Shibboleth is implemented. Elizabeth: More concerned about reliability. KC: All on elastic beanstalk. Load balancing system. Will spin up new servers as needed. Hard to have a public representation with what we have set up. Asking Kevin to provide data on uptime. |
10 min | IR Meeting Planning update/brainstorming | Matt Cook Colleen Harris | Scholarworks IR symposium update - No update from Matt. Colleen Harris is out of town. The date is set. No news to share right now. Drafty-draft agenda in process. More to come! Will be a call for participation soon! Kevin -- Rough Agenda: |
15 min | IG Updates | Tanya Hollis Dana Ospina Lauren Magnuson Carmen Mitchell | Faculty Profiles IG: Charge got a few comments, but still needs some work before going to STIM. More soon! Digital Archives IG: Haven’t met again recently, but hoping to meet soon. Will work on finding something to present at the meeting in July. First time CSU Archivist meeting this year! Tanya pitched the IG to the CSU archivists. Have 25-27 members and needing to pare down to a more manageable number. Will report back. Publishing IG: Moving slowly, but moving! Going to get working on the charge soon. Aiming to present the charge at the meeting in July. Best Practices Interest Group Proposal: Andrew Weiss: Proposal came out of the last meeting. Mark Bilby and Andrew working on this. Best practices repository interest group. Track analysis, trusted repositories list, COAR next-gen repositories list, DCC lifecycles...helpful for us to audit the repository and where it is going. Mark: policy could be a part of it. Could be a catch-all group. What are some of the things that are falling through the cracks? ORCID could be a good example. Who is going to pay for it. Maybe this IG helps the CSI-wide meet international standards? Scope and goals may change in time. (YES!!!) KC: We don’t know how the new ScholComm group is going to work with/interface with the SW group. Another group may be taking the lead in this. If we have a trusted digital repositories group, who does it report to? We want to have good, concrete deliverables...trying to have achievable goals is good. What is happening next? What services do we want to offer next to faculty and students? We need to keep asking these questions. Will continue talking about this at the July meeting. There are 4 campuses interested in joining in. |
5 min | General Notes | Carmen Mitchell Kevin Cloud | Carmen: Going to OR 2018. Will be willing to attend sessions that others are interested in and reporting back. Kevin: working with a couple of campuses (Fresno and SJSU) on ContentDM migrations. Both are interested in working on local development instances. If you are also interested in this, contact Kevin for more info. Posted details to ScholarWorks listserv. |