

Discussion items





5 min

OJS Update

Kevin Cloud

Dana Ospina

Mark Bilby

OJS update

- Production OJS is live!

- Sandbox is available for new/test journals; email David and Kevin to request

- Sonya Betz from U of Alberta will be meeting with few librarians about OJS next week and would be happy to join a future Publishing IG meeting to advise on OJS management and scaling

5 min

Samvera Connect update

Kevin Cloud

Samvera Connect - harder to deal with the stack than anticipated. Particularly with migrations. This is a topic of conversation amongst the community.

5 min

COLD charge

Kevin Cloud

Carmen Mitchell

Dana Ospina

Internal group is working on two surveys: one specific to IRs and one specific to digital libraries. Will send to COLD to be distributed soon.

External group: interviewing folks from CUNY as well as the UC system, and likely more interviews to come.

10 min

Updates from IGs

Carmen Mitchell

Dana Ospina

Tanya Hollis

Mark Bilby

Faculty profiles IG: currently on hold.

Metadata/Linked Data -- reviewing ETDs, datasets, publications (

Digital Archives: Will work with interest group on required metadata schema for University Archives related materials, such as newspapers, yearbooks, etc.

15 min

Discussion on Collection in Hyrax

Kevin Cloud

Discussed differences between Hyrax and DSpace in regard to collections (following Collections Extensions release of Hyrax

Reviewed collections in DSpace as well as live Hyrax implementations ([human_readable_type_sim][]=Collection&locale=en