Update from COLD re: staffing, funding, governance
Timeline for this group
Task forces & CO update
Discussion topics
Task forces & CO update
David Kevin
Project managers
All identified, some authentication-only
listerv created
Meeting schedule
Had initial meeting to go over scope of work, expectations
Basically working for half the campuses now
Working out an issue with attribute mapping
Will be following up with campuses who are lagging
David getting on agenda for TAG IAM (Identity Management) meeting
Met twice to go over scope of work, initial training
Using older demo system until authentication totally working on prod
Sacramento already identified workflow changes they want
UI & Accessibility Taskforce
User profiles
External scan of other IRs
Identifying design elements we like
Identifying facets we think should be implemented
Initial meeting
Support vendor – one of the first in the Samvera space
Looking for money to put together some initial work, see how it goes
Data migration
MLML (Islandora) about 80% ready
Long Beach (III Symposia)
Can then review the data before final migration
Next in calendar is Los Angeles
Rest are all DSpace
Update from COLD
Patrick? Karen?
Significant amount of time devoted to funding discussion
Money approved for ‘resources’ (contractor)
COLD wants
A scope of work for contractor
How these additional resources might move things along quicker?
Want this next year to see significant progress
Other projects (e.g., ULMS) have drawn momentum away from ScholarWorks historically
No major discussion about governance
Will discuss next steps on this with Exec in about a month
Timeline for this group
COLD may not approve new governance structure until it meets again in the Fall
This group will likely need to continue through the summer
Most agreed to continue
Karen and Adriana will consult with COLD Exec, as their terms on STIM and ScholCom are coming to an end.
Seems many at Fresno (and likely other campuses) are not familiar with the project.
Renaldo shared with local staff a presentation on the project.
David mentioned the options of sending project updates to the ulms-announce (essentially all CSU library employees) listserv, or at least sending a message there to inform folks of avenues for getting future project updates.
Action items
David Walker will send update to meeting schedule to take us through September.