Already completed:
- CFP sent out in Oct 2020.
- Nov. 2020: Delritta Hornbuckle, Library Dean for CSU Fresno, proposed that Fresno host.
- Feb. 2021: Convene the 2021 Planning Committee
- March 2021: CFP for presentations sent out
Upcoming tasks for April 2021:
- Send out acceptance emails to presenters
- Finalize schedule
Upcoming tasks for May 2021
- Announce the meeting dates and share the agenda.
- Open registration. (Will we need something other than Zoom to run this?)
Upcoming tasks for June 2021
- Test out the technology with the presenters:
- Do we have anyone that is sending in a pre-recorded presentation? We need to make sure that we can handle the transitions in Zoom well.
- Put together a post-meeting survey for attendees.
Upcoming tasks for July 2021
- Host the meeting.
- Send post-meeting survey to all attendees.
- Debrief on planning process and meeting.
- Write up brief report on the meeting.