


  • Set type of meeting

  • Plan the “call for proposals”

  • Schedule next meeting

Discussion topics





Structure of the meeting?

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • Possibly split it up over two days. Maybe 11-2 over two days? Giving folks a break during the day is important.

  • Balancing speakers with breaks would be helpful.

  • Scheduling breaks even between sessions.

  • Two days: three hours each day.

    • First day would be presentations from folks. 5-6 presentations.

    • Second day: state of the repositories and then working group open meetings.


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Hold the conference July 13-14th

10-12? 90 minutes for the meeting and 30 minutes for breaks?

If we get a lot of proposals, then we can schedule more.

If we don’t get any proposals, who could we approach to present?

Don’t need to set the structure quite yet. Let’s revisit after we see how many proposals we get.


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

CM to put together a draft CFP with a form by EOB on 2/10. Committee to review and provide comments by 2/17

Open the call by 2/22 and plan to close it by 3/15 with the possibility to extend it to 3/22.


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Open registration as soon as the schedule starts coming together. Closing the registration a week in advance.

Fresno is using Eventbrite to manage registrations.

Next meeting

Tuesday March 16th at 1 PM.

Action items

  • Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) Draft the CFP by EOB on 2/10
  • Committee to review and provide comments by 2/17
  • Open the call by 2/22 and plan to close it by 3/15 with the possibility to extend it to 3/22.
