David Drexler
Not in attendance: Daina Dickman
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Live captioning? Daina mentioned but I have never used it. |
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Registration software? How are we going to log attendees? |
David to check on Zoom meeting capacity? We want to allow for interactivity, but don’t want limit attendance. Could use eventbrite for registration? David D. to investigate this. Deadline of May 21st! Ask people to register for separate Zoom meetings? Register for the main event though eventbrite, but in the confirmation email, send the individual links to the sessions. Have the different sessions start and end at the breaks. Will not record the working group sessions. | ||
Facilitators for each session. | Would like to have one facilitator for each session:
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Testing out the Zoom platform with the presenters…volunteers to help with this? | People needed for this: Carmen, David D., session presenter, and facilitator. |
Upcoming tasks for May 2021
- Announce the meeting dates and share the agenda.
- Open registration. (Will we need something other than Zoom to run this?)
Upcoming tasks for June 2021
- Test out the technology with the presenters:
- Do we have anyone that is sending in a pre-recorded presentation? We need to make sure that we can handle the transitions in Zoom well.
- Put together a post-meeting survey for attendees.
Upcoming tasks for July 2021
- Host the meeting.
- Send post-meeting survey to all attendees.
- Debrief on planning process and meeting.
- Write up brief report on the meeting.