LeadIG ParticipantsOther ContributorsInformed StakeholderStatus

Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed)

Richard Thai (CSUN)

April Gilbert (SJSU)

Mark Bilby (Unlicensed)

Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)

Wendolyn Vermeer

Faculty Publications Interest Group members (re: faculty publications/journals metadata)



Problem Statement

Significant work has been done on ETD metadata for ScholarWorks, but this work may require additional revision as Samvera moves toward production.  Other metadata schemas for non ETDs also require detailed documentation and recommendations for best practices.

HypothesisWe believe that a detailed examination of existing ETD metadata and the development of metadata schemas for other formats for Samvera will facilitate the production implementation of Samvera, not only for ETDs but for other content, including ETDs, faculty publications, and data sets archival content / creative works (e.g., from ContentDM).
Measures of Success
Important Documentshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GH5ulJJavsNjdsZcae5Y7t9EOb2_nyarJj9C11nl4Vk/edit?usp=sharing


Must have
  • Reviewing CSU documentation and Samvera documentation
  • Evaluating Keyword field - should they be eliminated as required field?
  • Refine existing documentation / create recommendations regarding required / recommended fields
  • Develop documentation for non- ETDs (e.g., faculty works) 
  • Develop recommendations for controlled vocabularies for ETDs/Faculty Publications/Data Sets
Nice to have
Not in scope


Milestones and deadlines




Reference materials