


Discussion items





ETD Metadata

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Carmen will share work she and Aaron completed with the ScholarWorks group on the ETD metadata fields back in 2016-17. This work was presented about it at OR in 2017: and wrote up a report for the ScholarWorks Confluence site:

See project page that can be developed related to this: Evaluate ETD Metadata

Action Items:

-Reviewing CSU documentation and Samvera documentation

-Evaluating Keyword field - should they be eliminated as required field?

-Refine existing documentation / create recommendations regarding required / recommended fields

-Develop documentation for non- ETDs (e.g., faculty works, archival works and collections (e.g., ContentDM migrated metadata - work w/Digital Images IG on this)

Finalize/approve Charter for STIM

No objections to approval

Develop work plan and timeline for deliverables for 2018-2019

Divide up work / identify deliverable ‘leads'

Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will create project pages and send over email for folks to sign up to work on various project pieces

Strategize outreach to related groups / stakeholders

Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will reach out to Digital Archives IG/Publishing group re: metadata schema development;

and ULMS TS Listserv re: next meeting time to open up attendance

will send out Doodle poll re: availability for next meeting

Action items
