Not in attendance:
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 minutes | How is everyone doing? | ||
10 minutes | Updates from the CO | Notch8 - a couple of kickoff meetings accomplished. Notch8 is setting up an environment. They are confident that they can meet the June 30 deadline for all projects Kevin’s position - we’ve done some interviews; now waiting for permissions to proceed with the remainder of the hiring process because of the hiring pause. Moving forward with the data migration. Campuses in the pipeline for test and final production loads. Some time lost doing “hand-off” tasks when we though Kevin was leaving. Production calendar still needs to be updated. | |
10 minutes | Digital Archives Working Group | 1. Personnel contact lists - Created the CSU Repository Personnel Registry to create contact lists of various personnel areas associated with ScholarWorks and Digital Collections production. Invitations and reminders were sent out to all ScholarWorks project managers. More than half of the campuses have entered email addresses of personnel. Email lists are being compiled from the registry now as a document to be posted in Confluence for all to use. We are considering converting these individual lists into listserv addresses, although the potential maintenance associated with these over the long term are a concern as personnel turnover increases over time. 2. Draft digital collections development plan is in its early stages to help guide DAWG over the coming year. The objective of the plan is to guide digital collections/archives implementations, and assessment. 3, Assessment - The committee is considering the following assessment strategies:
4. Test installations - CSUN, CSUCI, and CPP are looking into installing a test DAMS locally to begin testing migrations, configurations, performance, and usability for digital collections. No definitive word yet on if we will be able to open these up to other campuses as campus IT will likely need to be involved to do so. This is also available in the DAWG meeting notes in Confluence. | |
10 minutes | Metadata Working Group | Reevaluated all field definitions on work forms, added a notes field. Put on demo and production. Next tasks:
| |
20 minutes | Proposed change to scope - faculty works | From elizabeth: I have been approached by a group of CSUN folk representing a relatively new nonprofit, the ReLAY Institute (, which includes the CSU5 among its partners. They want to find a permanent home for research products, and potentially, learning objects related to and created for/by participants in the institute. They are creating a resource database for practitioners helping youth. I showed them the new ScholarWorks and they were very impressed by its look and feel. They recognize that the navigation is initially by campus, and as the contents so far are sourced from CSU faculty, this would be an acceptable way to begin. But here are further questions: · Is it currently possible to create a searchable cross-campus collection for the intercampus institute in Samvera? · If items are created by non-csu authors, where would they be deposited? · Is it necessary to discuss the possibility of an entry point for inter-campus projects? It turns out we already have several of the CSUN-sourced resources in DSpace CSUN ScholarWorks, deposited through a College of Business Institute collection ( I will be getting a full listing of the materials they want to archive, but this is currently a work in progress. They are also aware of our (the CSU system’s) timeline and recent impacts to it. Is this something that needs special accommodation, does the current plan account for it? Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) will start a document for “type” definitions and will share with others. Please add in your ideas. | |
5 minutes | Wrap-up |
Action items
- Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) to create a document for definitions/scoping.