Created by Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) , last modified by Steve Kutay (Unlicensed) on Jun 03, 2020
Date 02 Jun 2020
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Discussion topics Time
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
We are joined today by incoming working group chairs, Alyssa and Lia.
Julie Dinkins from Sonoma added to Metadata Working group as a late entry.
From previous meeting: CSU journals do fall within the IR Content scope.
New listerv will be announced soon.
Welcome to Daina! Thank you to Elizabeth!
Review the committee charge
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
We may have fallen off of COLD’s radar a bit.
Will connect with incoming COLD chair, Carlos, and incoming ScholCom chair, Mark, to make sure there is regular reporting from DRC to COLD, and vice-versa.
An annual report to COLD Exec should be useful.
DAWG Update
Steve Kutay (Unlicensed)
Project plan for digital collections implementation - (Alyssa, Tanya, Michael).
Campus DAMS self evaluation (Elizabeth)
Helps both individual campuses and provides an overall assessment of needs across entire system.
Considering ZOOM meeting with individual campuses to guide through evaluation tool.
Good to develop a culture of contributing to development.
1 to 3 Test servers (Steve, Alyssa, Elizabeth).
Enables testing of workflows, modules, metadata, and configurations.
Northridge server application underway.
Pomona looking into Reclaim Hosting .
Carmen offered San Marcos as a possible option.
Trying to open test environments up to other campuses.
Evaluation tool (in progress) maps functional requirements and exposes areas of needed development.
Investigation into preservation services development possible though DAMS (Erik).
MWG Update
Elyse Fox (Unlicensed)
Lia is the new Chair.
Joined by Julie Dinkins (Sonoma), Hema Ramachandran (Long Beach), Melissa Seelye (San Francisco).
A full working group now!
Reviewing metadata for DAWG
Will be making initial recommendations by 6/5
Metadata here is broader than for IR
Data will be coming from more diverse systems than IR
Decision made to remove FAST from subject field
Will consider more discipline-based facets and discipline-specific authorities.
Grant options?
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
From our 2020-05-05 Meeting notes .
Cyril (Humboldt) was interested in looking into this.
Patrick and Carmen will meet to discuss.
Meeting time for next year
Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)
Action items