Digital Repositories Committee : 2020-07-22 Meeting notes
Created by Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed), last modified by David Walker on Jul 22, 2020
Not in attendance:
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
10m | Documentation around the DigRepo Annual Meeting | Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | These meetings have been ad hoc in the past, largely planned by just one or two people. Proposal includes larger planning committee and longer timelines for planning. Carmen will include a step for asking for fiscal support from COLD around January. Mark will put Carmen on ScholComm agenda to get feedback from that commitee. Carmen will ask that this be put on COLD Sept. agenda.
10m | Changing ScholarWorks/ DigRepo on the CSU Confluence | Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | Our work encompasses more than just the systemwide IR, so ‘ScholarWorks’ is too narrow of a term. Listserv has had name changed from ‘scholarworks’ to ‘digrepo’. David will create a new Digital Repositories space and make place that at the top level of Confluence. Will treat ScholarWorks space a subspace of that
10m | Updates from DAWG | Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed) | Alyssa adjusting to being chair. Looking at ULMS project structure, documentation Testing out new self-evaluation tool Investigating digital preservation, both internal to the DAMS but also external services (e.g., Archivematica). A couple of Hyrax test environments set up.
10m | Updates and questions from MWG | Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) | Went through all the pending items on the Trello board Brainstorming goals for the year Collection-level metadata Focused on next round of data clean-up ORCID IDs and name disambiguation Could be a feature we develop with Notch8 Could be done internally as a code sprint Probably something of interest to the Samvera community
Non ETD resource types Aaron had previously collected types in DSpace Will be separating out form for ETDs vs. other student works Should forms be this focused on the person submitting (student vs. faculty) or type of work (article, dataset, etc.)? Not a lot of best practices in this area Can always make changes later
Action items