Hema Ramachandran
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Non-ETD resource types | Lia | |
Name disambiguation | Lia |
Title capitalization | Melissa |
Degree name and concentrations | Melissa |
Publishing Interest Group reports | Melissa |
New Trello request: legacy department names | Lia |
Rights statements (if time) | Lia | See above in Publishing Interest Group section |
Brian Tu will be helping with Scholarworks |
Action items
- Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) Reach out to DAWG to organize joint meeting
- Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) look to other examples besides UC for types
- Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) Data dictionary - sentence case and title case
- Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed) will ask for a UC test submission account
- Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed) Hema Ramachandran, and Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) will work on language for standardizing degree
- Kevin Cloud (Unlicensed) changing copyright to default to owned by author
- Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) will email Richard Thai re: old department names
- Next meeting: look at types in further detail and make decisions
- Change data dictionary to allow sentence case or title case