Digital Repositories Committee : 2020-09-23 Meeting notes




Discussion topics





10 minutes

2021 Digital Repositories Meeting

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • COLD has approved a virtual meeting for 2021! Do we want to do a “call” for a virtual host campus? There is going to be some Zoom wrangling needed. Reminder that we have the planning document to guide us.

20 minutes

Planning for a CSU Digital Archives Repository

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • How much content do we have to migrate?

  • How much are folks currently paying? (DigitalCommons/ContentDM)

  • How to staff this moving forward?

    • Community of practice with CSU practitioners? 

  • How to fund it moving forward? To make it sustainable? 

  • Original document did ask for staffing. We need to compile the data that currently exists and compare it with current costs. (Might be more to run than the IR. Number of files and size of files larger than for the IR.)

  • Look at Campus repository personnel registry. Still need to gather who is using what currently. (And perhaps how much they are paying for their tools?) Maybe there are campuses that are moving into a different direction.

  • DAWG to work on this.

  • DAWG members to take this assessment, as well as the DigRepo Steering Committee.

5 minutes

Ranking for enhancement requests

David Walker

Form should be ready to go out to Project Managers for input. Any last minute changes?
Development projects

What about Faculty Profiles? (Still on the list…but it is a whole additional system)

This is on the workplan for the CSU ScholComm Committee. Put the word out: we are looking for developers to work on this.

Carmen to share the code she got from other school re: custom faculty profiles.

5 minutes

Draft of CSU Librarians Checklist started

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Send Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) thoughts/comments/additions by September 30th.

10 minutes

Copyright question from MWG

Lia Ryland (Unlicensed) and Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

Confusion around copyright and ScholarWorks.
Agreement with the committee to simplify and allow for Creative Commons (or other) licensing. MWG will work on a suggestion and bring it back to the DRC.

5 minutes

Google Scholar visibility?

User 4d0bd

Working on this now. David Walker is working with the folks at Google to register ScholarWorks with Google Scholar.

5 minutes


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) updating COLD on committee work on 9/30.

Update from Ian Chan (CSUSM) on Samvera sandbox installation for digital archives: The implementation is still in progress and we are working on some problems that are limiting full functionality. We had a productive work session with Dave and others to go over some of the problems. While all the major components are running, there are some configuration settings that we need to investigate to determine what is preventing some areas of the application from working correctly. For example, the link to the dashboard is not working and administrative functions are not accessible.

Action items
