Digital Repositories Committee : 2021-04-28 Meeting notes




Discussion topics





10 minutes

Call for new committee members/WG members.

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • Carmen M., Mark B., and Lana W. are rotating off the DRC.

  • For MWG: 3 people (including the chair) rotating off.

    • For DAWG: 3 people (including the chair) rotating off.

    • Potential move to having a “chair elect” for the future.

    • Not sure who the ScholComm chair will be.

15 minutes

ScholarWorks deposit agreement/Office of General Counsel

David Walker

OGC is interested in reviewing our license agreement and learning more about SW in general.

Carmen and Dave to work on collecting the agreements for OGC.

5 minutes

Update on annual meeting

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

5 minutes

DAWG update

Alyssa Loera (Unlicensed)

Presented at the open forum recently on the DAMS self-evaluations. Still missing a few. Hoping to get all in by the end of May.

Lia and Alyssa are putting together a subgroup to talk about metadata for archives.

Action items
