Revised titles to allow for sentence case or capitalization
Revised how degree fields are handled (change between degree level and degree name), and created instructional text to standardize degree input
Held a joint meeting between MWG and DAWG, and cooperatively formed a sub group to tackle overlapping metadata topics
Type now uses DCMI type
Genre list was created and is nearing completion, progress can be seen via the MWG meeting notes on confluence
Simplified and improved copyright fields and language
Revised Name and Alternative Name fields to address inclusivity issues
Created suggested file naming format
Revised Scholarworks submission workforms
Revised fields on the metadata dictionary in confluence
Digital Archives Working Group (DAWG)
The Digital Archives Working Group has continued to work towards the CSU’s shared goals related to digital special and archival collections. The following tasks have been fully executed or continue to be worked on by the group:
Distribution and education surrounding a Campus self assessment toolwhich was created in an effort to better understand existing resources and collections throughout the CSU. This self-assessment is designed to help practioners reflect on existing and potential digital collections infrastructure, as well as help the Digital Archives Working Group determine the systemwide capacity for moving into a shared digital asset management system (DAMS). (completed)
The analysis of data gathered from the Campus self-assessment tool which has started and will continue through the summer of 2021. This task will investigate existing infrastructure and group members will provide feedback to the Digital Repositories Committee regarding the feasibility of moving into a shared digital asset management system. (ongoing)
Test installations of Samvera/Hyrax at the local campus level. This project led to a full installation of Hyrax at CSU San Marcos, in which the San Marcos team developed detailed instructions on the process, with Dave Walker’s leadership and assistance. (completed)
Continued enhancement of the DAMS performance evaluation tool and itsapplication in assessing Alma Digital. The performance evaluation tool was created as a mechanism for determining if a DAMS meetsspecific functional requirements. The team continued to tweak the tool over the course of the year and is testing it using Alma Digital as the DAMS of choice. (ongoing).
Committee discussed and believes that this policy is under the purview of the ScholComm committee. There were concerns about trying to implement a policy of this scope and breadth when we do not yet have a “library champion” in the OGC.