Digital Repositories Committee : 2021-10-04 Meeting notes



Meeting ID: 981 9583 8386
Passcode: 951474
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,98195838386# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,98195838386# US (Tacoma)

Discussion topics





10 minutes


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • Going in alphabetical order for the minutes. Please let me know if you are unable to take minutes when it is your turn.

  • Carmen will be out for 5-6 weeks, Alyssa and Dave will handle things in her absence

  • Volunteers needed to help Dave with the the migration report: Melissa S., Katie is happy to review/edit

  • Report is to establish expectations of timelines for COLD

15 Minutes

2022 Annual Meeting Planning

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • According to our planning documentation, we need to get started!

  • After deliberation decided to be virtual for next year

  • Could pilot some of the feedback we received to make virtual better

  • Alyssa will assume responsibility for the annual meeting emails; Google Drive has materials associated with annual meeting

  • Melissa will check with UL to confirm that SFSU is willing to host virtually

20 Minutes

Updates from the Working groups

Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed)

Eric Milenkiewicz (Unlicensed)

Nicole Shibata (Unlicensed)

DAWG Update:

  • Quiet over the summer

  • New charge has been distributed to group, will be finalized next week and brought to DRC

  • DAMS self evaluation survey results being compiled and will be brought to DRC

  • Testing Samvera tool on San Marcos this or next month, will run through performance evaluation tool to make sure it meets requirements, should wrap up by Dec.

  • Will keep Dave apprised for the timeline report for COLD including any costs for the Digital Archives repository

MWG update:

  • Melissa and Nicole Shibata will be co-chairing the Metadata working group

  • Deck from Melissa’s Open Forum presentation

  • Melissa will follow up with Dave about messaging for the “Field of the Month.” This month is instructional text for the title field--title or sentence case is allowed and we are providing a link to a title case converter

  • Melissa will work with Dave to announce the new process

  • MWG is planning to role out changes to the “people” fields next, more to come in November

  • Prioritizing relevant outstanding requests on Trello board, requests that fall out of scope will be pushed to the forthcoming Work Forms Task Force

10 minutes

General ScholarWorks updates

David Walker

  • Still wrapping up first big pass through metadata clean-up, takes over a week to update and re-index

  • Dave can provide ways to automate some of the updates to the new field augmentations, if people are okay with some errors being introduced that need to be cleaned up, will be an option.

  • Fixed embargo issue--can edit more easily now and institutions such as Northridge can now use the new system

  • Most campuses have handles redirecting

  • Still some records in DSpace that are getting hits as well for some campuses but very much in the tail end of this proces

  • Q: What are campuses doing with their old stats?
    DAVE: haven’t gotten there yet, same for collections, we do need to address this issue and need to figure out how. On the to-do list for sure

Closing items

  • Call for Work Form Task Force members needs to be sent

  • Once we have volunteers, they can flesh out the charge, as has been our practice, but Dave should feel free to add useful items to the charge

  • Dave will put out call, if volunteers aren’t happening then put the call through COLD to identify people

  • Filling Kevin’s position still up in the air, part of a broader conversation about what positions COLD is more interested in seeing, a priority question

  • Refilling Kevin’s line is essential for user facing support to ensure these platforms are usable and viable

  • We can only move at the pace of the resources we have

Action items

