

Discussion topics




Announcements and Quick Progress Updates


  • Co-chair arrangement has been approved by DRC; Nicole has been added to monthly invite

  • DRC is beginning to plan the 2022 Digital Repositories Annual Meeting

  • Still looking for volunteers to serve on Work Forms Task Force. From Dave’s Oct. 11 email: “As we discussed at the last Open Forum, this new task force will help conceptualize separate work forms for non-ETD student works, publications, and presentations, as well as review existing work forms and propose updates to help text, order of fields, and overall functionality based on usability concerns.  The group will also help test those changes.” Currently four volunteers.

  • Nicole: Started attending Digital Archives Working Group (DAWG) meetings. Most of the discussion was not related to metadata; currently testing Samvera and using an evaluation tool to make sure it meets their needs for a DAMS. Will be meeting with Steve Kutay to walk through evaluation tool. Oregon Digital uses Samvera for their DAMS: Our DAWG subgroup only met once last year and had a very preliminary discussion, but there is interest in resuming these conversations next year.

Update on backlog of approved metadata changes


  • The revised title help text is in place.

  • Changed the help text for degree name, but decided to revert that change for now as it has not yet been communicated to project managers and there may be concerns.

  • Text formatting for the abstract field is in place, provides basic formatting. Can create paragraphs now. MS Word lint is creeping into the abstract field.

  • Clean up work as part of initial round of clean up is done as well.

  • Still to be done: text formatting for title field; create date facet; identifiers clean up; alternate name; switching author name order

  • Thanks to Dave for all this work!

Field of the Month Initiative


  • Presented a slightly revised version of last month’s MWG meeting slides at the Oct. 1 open forum. Field of the Month Initiative received broad support, and no concerns were raised regarding the proposed change to the help text for the title field:

  • Next steps and logistical questions

    • Need to communicate information about this initiative both on a general level and specific to each change via email, in addition to Open Forum updates, but who should receive these communications? Decided just project managers, who can then coordinate others on their campus. We have an email list for the project managers. Melissa will work with Nicole on communications.

    • Determine a schedule for rolling out changes:

      • Decide on field of the month and related changes/clean-up during MWG meetings (third Thursday of every month)

      • Announce field of the month at Open Forum (first Friday of every month) and solicit feedback

      • When should the follow-up email go out to inform those not present at the Open Forum of upcoming changes? Could include in bold along with Dave’s email about the recording.

      • Melissa will create an MWG subpage to track progress on this initiative.

      • Discussed the potential need to keep track of those campuses editing fields each month.

      • Melissa will create some documentation regarding the batch editing process. Melissa and Matt have done testing at SF State.

  • Next field(s): Author/Advisor/Committee Members

    • Push this back another month to allow more time for communication about the title field.

    • Need to update help text

      • 2020-2021 MWG recommended help text: Enter the author’s name exactly as it appears on the title page of the work. If there are multiple authors, use the “Add another Author” option for each additional author.

      • SF State revised version: Enter the author’s name exactly as it appears on the work (e.g., Jerome C. Baxter). If there are multiple authors, use the “Add another Author” option for each additional author.

    • Melissa, Nicole, and Pam will meet separately to work on this.

Review of Outstanding Trello Requests

Need to update these based on Dave’s recent updates.

March 2020

  • Separate workforms for ETDs and Other Student Works (We made this recommendation last year, but this will likely be tackled by the Work Forms Task Force)

  • Make more fields required for ETDs (also discussed last year and could accomplish through Field of the Month).

August 2020

  • Solution for legacy department/program names – Previously discussed using a Notes field for this purpose. Can we implement this? Yes, that field is visible and would present no anticipated issues. We could also address this through descriptive text associated with the collection.

    • Pomona is sharing department-based collection links with departments to share on their websites, as alumni are more likely to reach out to their former department than the library when seeking ETDs.

    • Propose this solution and gather feedback.

February 2021

  • Rich text formatting for title and abstract fields (in progress)

  • Revisions to ETD Resource Types (add Doctoral Project -- discussed last year; need to revisit)

March 2021

  • Add fields for faculty works (We recommended separate workforms for Publications and Presentations last year, but these are still in draft form - need help)

  • San Marcos is interested in adding journal title/volume/issue fields. Discussed some challenges with adding these fields right now, as they would not also encompass book-level and conference-level metadata for other types of works requiring additional metadata. For now, continue to add such metadata to the bibliographic citation field. Hopefully the Work Forms Task Force can address this as well and make recommendations to MWG.

Action items

