Digital Repositories Committee : 2022-06-06 Meeting notes

(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

(blue star) Goals

(blue star) Discussion topics





Committee composition/

change in membership

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • Need an interim chair for the first part of 2022/2023 AY.

  • CM to ask Katie if she is interested in interim. If not, then Dave and Dana will co-facilitate for the first 6 months.

  • Committee to revisit this in January, with the option of Andrew taking over as chair at that time.

Digital Repositories Meeting debrief

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Great response! 104 people registered. Most sessions had 50+ people in them. Feedback has been very positive so far. Lots of support for keeping this a hybrid meeting moving forward, even post-COVID. Some requests for more social aspects to be incorporated, even when virtual. (No social proposals came in…Perhaps someone will propose something next year.)

Annual report

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

DAWG and MWG have gotten their reports in. Carmen and Dave to work on the rest of the report. Will circulate it to the committee before sending to COLD.

(blue star) Action items


(blue star) Decisions