Digital Repositories Committee : 2024-11-18 DRC Meeting notes

(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

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Meeting ID: 847 1735 7161
Passcode: 676457

(blue star) Discussion topics





5 minutes

welcome and announcements

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

(Succesful) CSU grants repository

John Crockett, SDSU

AVP for Research Advancement SDSU, works directly with scholars who are seeking grants

seeking feedback from DRC: could be helpful to do the same thing from SDSU across the system (we have many HSIs in the system, common models of teacher/scholar, student support programs, lots of commonality across the system)

SDSU has deeper bench on research programs than other campuses and can provide resources to other campuses

model for exchange: what are systemwide resources that can be leveraged? Scholarworks was mentioned as possibility. But need to address that there need to be some restrictions around this collection/archive. For instance, SDSU is view only, opt in, and required an SDSU email for login.

This would be a CSU resource, not a PUBLIC resource. How does this work within the OA mission of ScholarWorks? Can we agree that it fits into the mission of SW?

If SW isn’t the right platform will find another way

Q: will there be guidance on a timeline for sharing and how will the creator know who is using them?

A: always opt-in, SDSU reaches out to PIs of successful proposals to get consent to share. Office of Research on campuses would ask PIs. There are guardrails for what would be shared (not budget usually). Can’t legislate scholarly ethics, though. We can do this in a one-off way right now, think it would be advantageous to create a system that is efficient and useful for scholars in CSU. Could lead to collaboration and help grow systemwide scholarship.

Q: any concern about successful PIs being inundated with questions? Way to indicate in the record whether PI is open to communicating about it?

A: great point, should add this option. Also, having this to be an anonymous resource for jr. scholars would improve their access to equitable outcomes in their career.

Q: Accessibility? Would that be campus dependent?

A: Isn’t currently part of SDSU program. When it is sandbox pilot, could absorb some mistakes. Perhaps a specific question would be what are best practices and costs of making resources accessible so that recs can be provided for campuses that do not currently make everything accessible.

Currently it is up to individual campus for SW because campus is liable.

Perhaps identify threshold of acceptablity, key accessibility elements that campuses must provide

Suggestion to try a proof of concept pilot, form could be created without too much additional work, link off of the SW page that is not widely promoted as we test this concept with outreach to research officers on campus. We already can restrict easily, and this way (a pilot) we can gauge workload for Dave and CO.

Plan to implement it over the summer with F25 launch, gives time to determine whether mediated or not and get a sense of workload.

Do have support from SDSU (that could be revoked) in terms of creating a pilot/soft launch

John will share metadata map with Carmen and she will share out

Committee will discuss timelines and needs at the Dec meeting

Confluence migration

David Walker

Moving from Confluence to Sharepoint

Dave shared a presentation that will be given to a wider audience (see attachment)

**Confluence goes dark on DEC 22 (will have Confluence static archive from DEC 16)

Discuss file format naming convention for SharePoint during Dec 9 meeting

(blue star) Action items

(blue star) Decisions


Final Recrutiment FlyerF.pdf (application/pdf)