Digital Repositories Committee : 2022-11-03 Meeting notes (IRWG)
Created by David Walker, last modified on Dec 08, 2022
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Project updates | All | |
5m | NIH requirement for data sharing | Carmen | No response from inquiry to campuses on current plans/guides Not a lot of campuses have dedicated data mgmt. staff Put on agenda for open forum
12m | Controlled vocabularies: degrees | Carmen Pam | Degree name and degree program fields are free-text Lots of different practice at campuses Field of the month to clean-up degree name and program Degree name easy to implement as controlled list
15m | Campus landing pages | David Ryan Pam | Campus branding Search box of works already limited to the campus Tree of campus collections Most recent works for that campus (as on homepage) Featured works Featured collections? Campus contact! Stats (for the future)
5m | Steering Committee update | David | |
15m | Metadata | David | |
| | | |
Action items
- David will put NIH, degree name, campus landing page on open forum agenda
- David will update metadata page with controlled vocab for degree name