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Brief introductions


Embargo issues

David Walker

We have an issue with a “withdrawn item” and the current embargo workflow.

For records marked as public, but the files are restricted - an overnight program searches for “restricted” records and makes the record visible while keeping the files private/restricted. However, in some cases we want to keep EVERYTHING private, record and file.

Two methods to resolve 1) new field in the record- “Keep private” where a manager could select as an option that way the overnight system would not make the record public.

Method 2) have a convention that selecting the visibility of “private”-  will permanently mark both the record and file as private, and the overnight script will not make the record public.

We will move forward with the method 2.

Primo harvesting

David Walker

We want the ULMS committee to take point on this, with some input from this group- perhaps a group taskforce. We need to get several people together to see where the issues are and how to fix them. Our Primo issues are almost all data issues, so that is a different group on the Ex Libris side. Complications have arisen with Rapido as Rapido searches other collections to find materials. We are working with ex-libris, but getting to the right people takes some time, we have to check some boxes of “yes we have tried x, y, an z” before we can move to the bigger/core issues. We need to start documenting the problems so we can help “check” those boxes.

Oral histories in ScholarWorks

@Marcus Jun

See content policy: Content Scope Policy "Oral histories - unless they’re part of a student/faculty research project (then IR)"

Digital Archives is available to house these materials. Dave will work with Marcus to start uploading materials into Digital Archives.

Update on Digital Archives? Is it ready for new content?

@Marcus Jun

Digital Archives is up and running at a basic level- about half of the campuses have completed authentication. Migrating content from D-space to the Digital Archives.

The focus is on getting data over and making sure that materials are correct. Future updates to Digital Archives will be focusing on multimedia materials, tailored towards audio/visual content rather than PDFs which make up the bulk of the material in ScholarWorks.

Below this line only if time allows

Documentation? What are we missing/do we want to work on?

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

What we have already: Training Training . Things we want to include:

  • Glossary

  • What you need to get started with ScholarWorks


Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Do we want to have a toolkit like what the Publishing WG did for OJS? https://journalguide.calstate.edu/

(blue star) Action items

(blue star) Decisions