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Terms of Use and Levels of access.

Should the deposit agreement be more publicly available?

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

  • Mediated deposit end users may never actually see the deposit agreement. Qualtrics form in use at CSUSM.

  • Possible to include an “About” section in the site for terms of use and agreements. Try to avoid using policy – Access info and Terms of use as alternatives to policy.

    o   There is an about page, but it is difficult to access. The footer links to the terms of use. Most campuses, especially for ETDs, are not having students self-submit. Concern over cluttering the footer. An “About” page could include the deposit agreement information or a link to it. Possibly add a link to the deposit agreement in the header to more prominently display the deposit agreement. Would follow the user if used in the header throughout the process. Language from deposit agreement would be reused or linked from the About Us. Concern about the understanding of the term “Deposit Agreement” and if it effectively communicates to users. Access levels and deposit agreement that could be linked from the “About”. Can call it “Visibility Settings.” Will try to link from the Header and see how it goes!

Mediated deposit for undergraduate collections

Marcus Jun

Undergraduates create posters about research, and would like to deposit in ScholarWorks. Library still needs to approve the submission at some point in the workflow. Faculty member was made a manager of the collection, but had permissions to approve or reject across entire admin set. Question - “If a collection manager uploads a work to a collection, does that work need approval?”

  • When submitting, submissions go to admin set collection that controls workflows. Most campuses have no workflows on admin set. SF set currently uses the mediated workflow. Can create multiple admin sets for one campus, one that uses the mediated workflow and one that uses the unmediated workflow. In the relationships tab, can choose an admin set to submit works.

  • No way to bulk approve works. Qualtrics form used at CSUSM. Can export metadata from Qualtrics into a spreadsheet for a batch upload once bulkrax is implemented.

  • Non-library faculty will see all submissions if added to the single campus admin set. Creating a second admin set and having students submit through the second set managed by non-library faculty would control approval workflow. Library staff would be able to manage/access both sets.

How many admin sets needed? One per collection?

  • Only need an admin set for different workflows and sets of people.

    • To keep the submissions visible only to each relevant faculty member, would need a different admin set for each set of reviewers. Can also create an unmediated admin set that could allow deposits. Admin sets and collections are different entities. Users would need to select an admin set and then a collection. Collections and admin sets are not connected. Works can be added to collections regardless of the admin set.

    • Name the admin set by the department and program? No limit to the number of admin sets, so they could be named and created for more granularity.

    • How do admin sets interact with collections? Just for managing workflow?

All works must go through one of the admin sets, so they are used for managing workflow settings primarily.


David Walker

  • ACRL usage statistics once a year. Hyrax currently doesn’t collect statistics well – tracked through Google analytics primarily. Changed last year from Google Analytics (GA) 3 to GA 4. Totally new system, no stat migration. Support for GA 3 ended and GA 4 support began. Stats from DSpace and GA 3, but Hyrax currently only interacts with GA 4 (back to July of this year when implemented). Working on moving away from Google analytics and migrating data. How do folks want data to be reported? What types of stats do folks want to get?

  • Top 10 downloads were popular at CSUSM; cumulative views/page counts/downloads (or all of these?), particularly for getting faculty buy-in. Top 10 faculty works, top 10 ETDS.

  • Some campuses still using Bepress for the data stats and reporting.

  • Want to include both downloads and views.

  • Currently no way to distinguish between managers and users for downloads and views, but working on unique views/downloads.

  • May be ok to just avoid unique counts and stick with total views.

  • Location stats like in Bepress

  • What is the demand for historic usage and stats?

    • Rarely asked for, and most folks are ok without having historic stats. Ok with moving forward without the historic data being available right away. Will be available still upon request, but may not be a top priority.

Moved to Next meeting

ScholarWorks Toolkit

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Let’s finalize the outline so that we can start a call for folks to work on specific sections.

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