Digital Repositories Committee : 2024-01-11 Meeting notes (IRWG)
Created by Carmen Mitchell, last modified by David Walker on Jan 11, 2024
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Search options | Chris Painter | Dashboard search box only searches title. Marcus caught difference in URL David will add &search_field=all_fields to Dashboard search to search all fields
| Collaborative metadata clean-up | Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | There are some fairly simple metadata clean-up tasks that just aren’t being done by some campuses. Degree name & degree program, for example. Suggestion that we collaboratively work on fields for campuses, perhaps in this way: Announce field we want to focus on and make spreadsheets available to campuses at Open Forum. Deadline is next Metadata Co-working session. If the campus has not made changes by then, we will make them for them. Campuses will have preview / final okay of changes before they go live as part of the normal mediated metadata changes process.
Carmen will take this issue to DRC next week for further discussion.
| Automated deposits | David Walker | ACM (and possibly other publishers) are putting IR deposit option into our contracts. Group has concerns about accessibility of the PDFs How are campuses notified? Group interested in talking to ACM more.
| Unpaywall integrations with ScholarWorks | David Walker and Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | |
| ScholarWorks Toolkit | Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed) | Punted to later: Let’s finalize the outline so that we can start a call for folks to work on specific sections. |
Action items