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  • The call for proposals for the 2024 Digital Repositories Meeting is open! Please encourage folks to sign up.

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We have all the historical statistics from D-space and Google analytics from 2013 now loaded into SW platform. All new views and download statics are being handled in a new stats tracking system for SW. There are 40 millions records that had to be rolled into place.

The new system will track stats better than we have in the past- capturing views and downloads more easily, filtering out bots and then displaying that information really easily.

Statistics information at the record level.

What are the next things that we want to do with stats? We are going to be putting the stats into Solr indexing engine so that we can run queries and reports.

Display top 10 downloaded items per campus, display lifetime downloads per record, create annual reports for ACRL on annual downloads during an academic year per campus.

What other things do we want to see?  top 10 by categories and/or department.

Views/downloads per day so we can see how popular an item is regardless of how old the file is.

Statistics for collections and or departments, potentially seeing how people reach files etc.

IR integrations/ACM next steps

We are waiting to hear back

IR/ULMS harvesting issues

Multi step process initial discussion of the issues and then a group formed of folks both from IR and ULMS as it is too big of an issue to let idle.

ULMS has put together a bigger task force to focus on a broad range of data issues. Global title index, (what you would search for Rapido/ILL,) central discovery index, the records in Alma, which all feed together into Primo. IR might fit into this task force, but they’ve got a lot to do… there are things we need to do in the mean time.

 Work with Christina on this. There are four things that are immediate issues:

  1. Missing records and some bugs in the Primo display. Ex Libris is looking into some of these, but not all of them. For these Records Dave wants to do a re-harvest, a delete a reload.

  2. Issues around resource type mapping. There are more resources type in SW than exists in Primo, we should review the mapping of the specific resource types in SW to the broader categories available in Primo. Part of that means getting resource type correct on the SW side.

  3. Need to do a general review of the metadata mapping from SW to Primo.

  4. On SW side, arrange for articles that are abstract only are not harvested into Primo.

Additional issues regarding duplication of records. You’d see a record duplicated multiple times and if you click through the links don’t take you anywhere. Some issues with the display when things are embargoed.

 The embargoed records as a subset of the “Abstract only” records, since the Embargoed files only show an abstract.

 Do we de-dupe records when we have records in SW and also have the same records cataloged into Alma? This may be more of a policy discussion with the ULMS taskforce.


Unpaywall integrations with ScholarWorks

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

Share your Paper

  • General tools rely on authors self-submitting and providing the file (either Publisher PDF or AAM). Has a wide swath of options to integrate with repositories. 

Share your Paper: Bulk Checker


  • Checks permissions and consolidates information: Deposit statements, licenses, Journal and publisher info, and embargos. 

  • Great for identifying low hanging fruit from large databases (sorting the Publisher PDF articles that can be added to SW from all of our Faculty Publications as reported by Web of Science) 

  • Great for manual processes in identifying what is needed before reaching out to Faculty for either Author’s accepted manuscripts or permission to include files. 


  • Long deposit statements may be truncated due to field length. 

  • List may return Journal or Publisher permissions when there may be an article specific permission in play

  • The spreadsheet can get corrupted, especially if you delete old doi’s. If that happens you just get a new spreadsheet/bulk checker document.

Unpaywall: https://unpaywall.org/user-guides/libraries

Un paywall- info for institutional repositories, looks like Unpaywall has focused more on the “unsub” dashboard. The info on how to use Un-paywall to populate your repository was pretty minimal.


ScholarWorks Toolkit

Carmen Mitchell (Unlicensed)

We may want to break down the Toolkit to topics/groupings and then have one person to volunteer to head up the topic/grouping and call for volunteers to support/flesh out each topic.

Let’s finalize the outline so that we can start a call for folks to work on specific sections.

(blue star) Action items


(blue star) Decisions