
The purpose of the Digital Repositories Committee is to ensure the necessary guidelines, priorities, and administration of a sustainable, systemwide institutional repository system (ScholarWorks), digital archives system, and related digital library services.  Creating a sustainable digital library infrastructure requires:

  • Identifying and establishing ongoing funding / revenue sources and models

  • Adherence to international standards and best practices

  • Development and management of user-needed platforms

  • Development and management of user-needed services

  • Development of policies to mitigate risk (structural, physical, legal, information, etc.)

  • Support of open access initiatives, via technology integration and OA policy implementation

Membership, relationships, and responsibilities

The Digital Repositories governance structure will consist of a steering committee, at least two working groups, and various ad hoc task forces formed by the steering committee to meet short-term goals.

The steering committee will consist of eight members, including:

  • One chair, selected by COLD

  • One chair-elect

  • ScholComm chair, serving as liaison to COLD*

  • Two working group chairs

  • Three at-large members from CSU libraries

  • One Director, Systemwide Digital Library Services (CO) – ex-officio

  • One Digital Repositories Services Manager (CO) – ex-officio

The working groups will each consist of four to six members and initially be focused on:

  • Metadata

  • Digital Archives

Members will be nominated by the CSU library deans and chosen by the steering committee chair and ex-officio members.  Members will serve staggered two-year terms, with half of the committee in the first year serving a one-year term. All appointments begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

Once seated, each working group will, in the first year, nominate a chair, who will serve on the steering committee.  Both in the first year and in subsequent years, each working group will elect a vice chair, who will become the chair of the working group in the following year.

The Digital Repositories Committee will report to the COLD Executive Committee and will, where appropriate, consult with STIM and ScholCom to ensure that overlapping issues with those committees are properly handled.

*When the ScholComm chair is not a member of COLD, COLD can elect to appoint a different liaison.