Enhancement | Status | Priority | Updated |
About us page With links to deposit agreement (really the visibility meaning) and other information, linked in header | DEVELOPMENT | 0 | |
Campus landing page Implement new campus page to search campus records and browse campus collections. Add campus field to each collection and give campus managers ability to manage all campus collections. | DEVELOPMENT | 1 | |
Collection search Collection search should search all the works in the current and sub-collections. Include all fields in search and allow faceted search within collections. | PLANNING | 2 | |
Usage stats (campus) Top ten downloads and perhaps other stats for campus landing page. | PLANNING | 3 | |
Save submission as draft This enhancement would make it so that you can start an item deposit and save it while it is “in process.” The current set up does not allow for saving draft versions. | PLANNING | 4 | |
Display of works within a collection Improve the display of works within a collection. Details to follow. | PLANNING | 5 | |
OJS > Samvera integration Develop a crosswalk/harvesting tool that will import items from OJS into ScholarWorks for long-term preservation and additional access. | PLANNING | 6 | |
Email alert notifications Allow campuses to enable email notifications for unmediated workflows, and allow depositors to choose to have others (i.e., faculty advisors or co-authors) cc'd on any email notifications. | PLANNING | 7 | |
Share-your-paper integration Develop an integration that would allow faculty and students to deposit their research into ScholarWorks using Share-Your-Paper, an open source tool that makes it easier to get articles deposited into repositories. It’s currently free to individuals to use, and looking for institutional partners. | PLANNING | 8 | |
ORCID bulk import Allow authors and administrators to approve manual and automatic bilateral record sharing and updates between ORCID and ScholarWorks. | PLANNING | 9 | |
Completed | | | |
Usage stats (reporting) Allow library staff to create reports from the dashboard, with options to filter and sort by various fields (e.g., campus, department, type) and date ranges. | COMPLETE | | 2024-10-30 |
Usage stats (works) Track and show historical view & download counts for each work. | COMPLETE | | 2024-06-18 |
Upgrade to Hyrax 3.6 Including code documentation, testing, and adjustments to current customizations. | COMPLETE | | 2024-01-31 |
Bulk upload Allow for multiple items to be added to ScholarWorks at one time, instead of uploading items individually. | COMPLETE | | 2023-05-12 |
External repository harvest Provide the option to harvest descriptive metadata from external repositories into ScholarWorks, so they can be discovered in ScholarWorks as well. | COMPLETE | | 2023-02-01 |
Advanced search Implement Blacklight advanced search on common fields | COMPLETE | | 2022-07-01 |
Upgrade to Hyrax 2.9 Includes security and bug fixes, IIIF improvements. | COMPLETE | | 2022-04-01 |
ORCID links Include in all forms the ability to add ORCID identifiers for persons in all roles (author, contributor, committee member, etc.). Add link to ORCID profile in the work record display. | COMPLETE | | 2021-10-01 |
Bulk metadata editing Export all metadata or edit multiple metadata records at once using Excel. | COMPLETE | | 2021-09-01 |
SWORD service NOTCH8 Several CSU campuses use third-party ETD management systems – including Proquest ETD Administrator and a home-grown system at Northridge – to manage the thesis and dissertation lifecycle. The final step in that lifecycle is the automated deposit of the thesis into ScholarWorks. These third-party thesis management systems all support SWORD, a lightweight protocol that allows external systems to deposit content into an institutional repository. The CSU needs a firm to build a SWORD service into Hyrax to support both these thesis management systems and other potential third-party systems that would utilize SWORD. | COMPLETE | | 2021-05-07 |
Campus-limited view NOTCH8 We are currently implementing a shared Hyrax instance where library staff and end-users from multiple CSU campuses will be working in the same instance. When users authenticate, they will be assigned to a group that represents their campus (e.g., ‘sandiego’, ‘fullerton’, ‘longbeach’, etc.). Currently, Hyrax allows users to set ‘private’, ‘public’, or ‘institution’ view access to items. The ‘institution’ view allows any authenticated user to view the item, so in our case, CSU user regardless of which campus they are at. The CSU needs a firm to add a fourth option, to allow only users from a particular campus to view the item – that is, only users from the same campus group as the user who uploaded the item. | COMPLETE | | 2020-11-15 |
Long-term preservation using Glacier NOTCH8 With the current DSpace system, the CSU has a custom-built process that pushes an archival copy of each submitted item to an EC2 / Glacier bucket for long-term preservation. There is also a custom-built process to retrieve the item from Glacier, should the CSU need to. The CSU needs a firm to put in place a similar long-term preservation and retrieval process for items submitted to Hyrax. | COMPLETE | | 2020-07-15 |
Handle service integration NOTCH8 One of the key features of any institutional repository is a persistent identifier for each item. The CSU used the Handle service in the past with DSpace for this purpose, and campuses have come to rely on it. We will need a firm to both (a) resolve existing handles to their new location in Hyrax using identifiers that are being migrated to the new system along with other metadata for each item from DSpace, and (b) mint new handles for new items that are submitted to Hyrax. | COMPLETE | | 2020-07-15 |
Speed-up migrations NOTCH8 By far the most time-consuming part of the project is migration of existing data and files from DSpace into Fedora. Based on the Current estimates, we are projecting 12 months for this part of the project. The CSU needs a firm to provide a review of our existing process and provide recommendations on ways to speed it up, if possible. Additionally, we need a firm to provide recommendations around the potential implementation of Valkyrie. | COMPLETE | | 2020-05-15 |