(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

  • All present except David Gibbs

(blue star) Goals

  • Action items:

    • Highest priority: Rewrite our charge! Everyone agrees it’s too vague to be useful. Esther just sent around the document with the original “charge” (I use that term loosely): “Provides direction and supports SDLC in license negotiation.”

      Set up regular meetings – I’ll send a Doodle poll on that topic later this week.

      Do something with our Confluence web site – I will look into this, but Chris indicated a lack of available seats for editors is a systemic problem


    Potential projects:

    • VPAT clearinghouse for library renewals. Holly says she has many to share, other libraries may also; Esther says the CO can provide a place to host them.

      • Accessibility review of every renewal/new subscription on every campus, every year is both a pain point and a huge duplication of labor. Is there any way to streamline this process to everyone’s benefit?

      • Update from SRDC meeting 3/2/2022: Leslie Kennedy reports there is already a VPAT repository and discussions are underway at the system level about this general issue.

    • Ebook lending provisions – make part of ebook contracts?

    • Make it easy for libraries to find existing contract provisions.

      • Note: Jessica Hartwigsen is reportedly starting work on a project that will make shared contracts available in the Alma NZ and also Consortia Manager, so that may resolve this issue.

    • Identify provisions that should be routinely added to contracts, such as:

      • Post cancellation rights

        Data ownership/privacy

        Contingency provisions for cancellation in case of budget shortfalls

        Accessibility compliance?

    Esther will share the existing contract template with the group.

    • Specifications about how negotiations should take place (who should be involved, etc.)