All present except David Gibbs
Action items:
Highest priority: Rewrite our charge! Everyone agrees it’s too vague to be useful. Esther just sent around the document with the original “charge” (I use that term loosely): “Provides direction and supports SDLC in license negotiation.”
Set up regular meetings – I’ll send a Doodle poll on that topic later this week.
Do something with our Confluence web site – I will look into this, but Chris indicated a lack of available seats for editors is a systemic problem
Potential projects:
VPAT clearinghouse for library renewals. Holly says she has many to share, other libraries may also; Esther says the CO can provide a place to host them.
Accessibility review of every renewal/new subscription on every campus, every year is both a pain point and a huge duplication of labor. Is there any way to streamline this process to everyone’s benefit?
Update from SRDC meeting 3/2/2022: Leslie Kennedy reports there is already a VPAT repository and discussions are underway at the system level about this general issue.
Ebook lending provisions – make part of ebook contracts?
Note seminar on Whole Ebook Lending; Ann Roll and Chris Lee will be speaking along with ExLibris folks
Make it easy for libraries to find existing contract provisions.
Note: Jessica Hartwigsen is reportedly starting work on a project that will make shared contracts available in the Alma NZ and also Consortia Manager, so that may resolve this issue.
Identify provisions that should be routinely added to contracts, such as:
Post cancellation rights
Data ownership/privacy
Contingency provisions for cancellation in case of budget shortfalls
Accessibility compliance?
Esther will share the existing contract template with the group.
Specifications about how negotiations should take place (who should be involved, etc.)