All present
Discussion topics
Chris sent revised charge to steering committee, which was cancelled, but SC is generally supportive of the new charge.
Consortia Manager is fairly close to being rolled out. Centrally managed library contracts will be made available there. Contracts are not posted in Alma anymore due to concerns about confidentiality/legality and sharing; CA Public Records Act requests are required for any external entity to view.
ExLibris is reportedly developing a new Agreements module, but little is known about it at this time.
Some campuses rely on visibility of license terms (via Alma Licence Template) in Primo, such as ILL permissions; some campuses load theirs locally, others do not.
VPATs: Before sharing, we must be sure they are vetted by campus IT accessbility offices. Holly will check hers and report to Esther which ones are ok to share.
Model License language review: The group reviewed the categories and clauses we have been gathering in our Google sheet. We will continue work on this for next time, and plan creating brief summaries of issues to accompany the categories. Vetting by general counsel may be required before we can recommend use of any specific language.
Action items
- Continue work on license language spreadsheet