(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

  • Stacy Magedanz, Chris Bulock, Holly Yu, Lee Adams, David Gibbs, George Wrenn.

(blue star) Discussion topics

  • There is no July meeting because it falls on the July 4 holiday. Next meeting is August 1.

  • VPAT & accessibility clearance issues: Leslie Kennedy indicated some work is being done on this at the system level, so what our committee can do may be limited. However, it could be useful to have a statement of the issues as they relate to library purchases and renewals, as well as proposed solutions. We can present it to COLD as well as to other IT or procurement bodies who may not understand how libraries buy online materials. Holly Yu agreed to draft a 1-2 page statement and share it with the group.

    • Several large platforms account for the vast majority of library content. Most of these are used across the CSU and have centrally negotiated contracts. Repeatedly reviewing the same platforms at different campuses is inefficient.

    • Complete lack of consistency in clearance requirements between campuses. What must be reviewed and how often? There seem to be no central guidelines.

    • Having a repository of VPATs could help, but will not solve the root problem. What we really need is a repository of platforms that have been reviewed for compliance, to reduce duplication of effort across campuses.

    • Data security clearances pose similar problems to accessibility clearances.

  • Model license terms: The group agrees we should review our existing spreadsheet with the incoming director of SDLC for their feedback and ideas for any further development. Hopefully we can invite them to a COLIN meeting in August or September.

  • Negotiating transformative agreements: The group feels there should be a process outlined between COLD, SRDC, and SDLC for how future negotiations are handled. Transparency is needed. A representative from COLIN (or some other librarian representation) on the negotiating team would be a useful check. This is another issue we will discuss with the incoming director of SDLC.

(blue star) Action items

  • @Holly Yu will draft a statement on VPAT issues/proposed solutions and share with the group prior to the next meeting.