(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

  • Stacy Magedanz, Chris Bulock, David Gibbs, Ashley Wilson, George Wrenn, Holly Yu, Ann Roll

(blue star) Discussion topics

We briefly reviewed our recommended contract language selections. Next step is to draft a recommendation document for Ann to share with appropriate people in the Chancellor’s Office.

Brainstorming other topics for the remainder of the academic year:

  • VPAT approvals, again. We will draft a document for Leslie Kennedy outlining library concerns about duplication of labor.

  • Alma & Primo, license provisions and how they display. Should we look at perhaps standardizing what provisions to display and how? Would require discussion with some ULMS groups like ERM and Discovery. Holly shared an article as a basic for discussion: Michael Rodriguez (2019). Licensing by Design: A Systematic Approach, The Serials Librarian, 76:1-4, 178-184, DOI: 10.1080/0361526X.2019.1571310

(blue star) Action items

  • Stacy will draft a summary and justification of our recommended contract language and share with the group via email.

  • In time for the next meeting, Stacy will draft a statement about the VPAT issue.