Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Follow up |
ULMS Chairs' Survey - 2020 committee version | |
Sept 24 CDI 101 TS Open Forum review |
Joint task for with the Assessment and Analytics Committee for NZ/IZ overlap analysis? | from Assessment and Analytics Committee wants to determine the feasibility of conducting an overlap analysis that includes both NZ and IZ content. Brandon mentioned that what he thinks would be most useful, considering that this is currently not possible from within Alma, would be a report or some kind of evaluation that he could use with Ex Libris as a tool to get them to develop this functionality. Ilda, Kate, Lauren, Jessica will be on the joint task force |
Should we solicit information from campuses about workflow changes due to COVID-19 as Luiz mentioned? | No - ERM didn’t change much, so not a lot of interest in pursuing workfow changes |
Can we connect an OCLC global collection to the NZ? | benefits |
Primo VE is coming in Marchish! | will need to test Primo VE and CDI |
CDI recommendations | Jessica will send out a document with the instructions and database spreadsheet. Deadline to respond is end of the semester. |
Confluence documentation for odering from the NZ | You can now search the NZ and find local institution orders - the instructions need to be updated - Jessica brought this up with ULMS ACQ last week. |