

Discussion topics




  • Kate Holvoet (Unlicensed) Ask analytics group about ACRL stat guidance for mixed COUNTER 4 and 5 reports - which numbers to use?

    Laura Krier’s response:
    The way the committee has interpreted the ACRL instructions is to report both R4 and R5 stats, doing the best you can to deduplicate if you have both releases for the same resource.

    For COUNTER 5, ACRL recommends using the unique title requests metric from the TR_B1 and unique item requests from the TR_J1 reports. These metrics are really not comparable to what was reported in the past, and we sent a message to COLD (and the Analytics listserv) explaining why you will see lower numbers this year.

    For COUNTER 4, ACRL recommends BR1/MR1 or BR2/MR2 if BR1/MR1 reports aren't available, and for serials, JR1. The metric used in both cases should be total downloads.

    I hope that helps. It's a bit confusing and in some cases it may be nearly impossible to deduplicate if you have stats in both release forms. Personally, I think the unique title and unique item metrics are not the right metrics to use, but that's what ACRL says.

Ex Libris user satisfaction survey phone call end of January

Kate & Jessica will join Brandon Dudley on a call to Ex Libris to discuss the user satisfaction survey. ERM recommends that we mention:

  1. Report linking issues with ebsco products - get bounced around a lot - no consistency on ex libris effort to deal with vendors

  2. CDI metadata issue - getting metadata fixed quickly - should be an easier way than a salesforce ticket

  3. CDI - real issues vs. understanding

  4. CDI - when we report something Ex Libris doesn’t understand the issue and impact - CDI works the way Ex Libris intended, but that intention is not good for CSU consortia functionality

Project COUNTER focus group

Ilda participated
they want to create a SUSHI registry for all platform vendors
you will be able to filter by platforms you subscribe to
they are going to start listing COUNTER 5 audits dates

Action items

