

Discussion topics



Gale Linking update

  • From Jessica on S:
    “Ex Libris Development team has completed an initial assessment of this issue.
    After taking into account a number of factors including impact, scope, technical complexity, functional prerequisites, and existing priorities, Development team has set a preliminary target date for resolving this issue no later than May 2021.
    Please note that this is a tentative estimate only, and is subject to change due to ongoing review and assessment of Operations priorities
    We will notify you if there are any further changes to the target date.”

what does this mean/do?

Changed KB Software Week 14, April 5th

Type of Change: Component

  • Description: Correction
    16.02. - parser : Update parser CEPS::CEPS to allow DOI syntax

  • Description: Correction
    Configuration File: Update parser CEPS::CEPS to allow DOI syntax  

ERM Top 3 Issues submitted to Ex Libris as SalesForce #'s:

  • 00941104

  • 00941106

  • 00941107

  • Metadata errors in CDI (and the CZ)Metadata errors in CDI and the CZ take far too long to resolve.  Resolving any CDI (or CZ) metadata error takes appreciably longer than updating an OCLC record (which takes minutes).  Our expectation has been set by a decades-long industry standard. Submitting Salesforce cases on a record by record basis is wildly inefficient and time-consuming. 
    Additionally, CDI records originating from an inactive CDI collection diminish user experience. Libraries would like the option to have those records removed.

    • We want a way to resolve metadata errors more easily than submitting a Salesforce case, ideally by ourselves.

    • We want to even out resolution times between vendors (for example, resolving Ebsco metadata errors takes far longer than other vendors).

    • We need tools for identifying the source of the metadata (rather than just the source collection in CDI, which we have been told by Ex Libris may not be the source of the metadata). These tools should be easy to use and have documentation.

    • We need training to read the CTO record to understand it and to be able to identify what the metadata errors may be.

  • CDI Updates/Indexing is taking too long.It can take one to two weeks (sometimes longer) for the CDI index to update after making changes to the CDI settings. This delay makes managing e-book or media collections in CDI more difficult given the churn in these collections.

    • We want CDI updates and indexing to be faster, ideally closer to 48 hours than even 72.

  • Community Zone Updates and records are causing extra work for ERM and Cataloging StaffFor example, Oxford, Project Muse, and Ethnic NewsWatch were updated with archived coverage data instead of current coverage.  In these cases, there were extra records added with incorrect archived coverages. One record would have current date coverage and a second record for the same title was also added with the archived coverage.  This necessitated the manual removal of these extra records.
    Other examples: In Academic Core Plus, Ex Libris updated every portfolio with the wrong linking so we had to correct the linking for all of our subscribed portfolios. CSU Fullerton reported that 450 records were removed by Ex Libris from their Alexander Street Press American History in Video collection during a recent CZ update.  Another CZ update broke the Safari e-book parser, which took two weeks for Ex Libris Support to address and meant a loss of access to one of our largest e-book packages for a significant amount of time. There have recently been higher than normal reports of broken links in the OA e-collections, necessitating manual intervention and individual reporting to Ex Libris Support.
    Additionally, frequently ebook records loaded from the CZ lack basic access points such as subject headings or anything other than a title and author. To make the records usable for patrons, campuses would have to manually improve the records, or choose not to use the CZ records and import the data from somewhere else, which is more work than using a CZ collection. If there is going to be a collection in the CZ, the metadata should conform to a basic record standard that includes enough information for patrons to actually discover the item, otherwise, there is no point in having the record in our system.

    • We want CZ updates to be accurate.  When a CZ collection update has errors, Ex Libris should take the responsibility to fix the collection in such a way that their entire user base isn't tasked with manually updating collections to address the error, or deleting their collection (often with local information), reimporting the entire CZ Collection, and manually adjusting portfolios to reflect local changes (again).

    • We want ebook CZ collections to have a title, author, original publication date, and subject headings at the bare minimum, as these are needed for basic discovery. We would prefer to have records comply with the full-level OCLC encoding standard.

how PrimoVE merges records

Troubleshooting CDI issues

How to view the CTO record

CDI Liaison

  • Allow access to NZ CDI for library liaison

    • one (or more) persons at library use the NZ CDI login to make changes for library

      • doesn’t affect e-collections or other libraries, can only access CDI

    • Contact Jessica for NZ CDI credentials to designate CDI liaisons

ERM reccomends for Alma enhancement voting

Community zone updates task list metadata (7370)
Manage Electronic Resource Activation Task List workflow (7247)
Batch update e-resource activation task list status (7365)
Make it possible to select "done" in bulk on the e-resources task list (7418)
Customizable Electronic Material Types for portfolios (6739)

Action items

