ULMS E-Resources Committee : Overlap and Comparison Tool for IZ/NZ e-collections
Created by Jessica Hartwigsen, last modified by Christina Hennessey on Dec 16, 2024
Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee
Workaround for comparing an e-collection in the NZ to an e-collection in the CZ. This will allow libraries to compare e-collections that are active in NZ to e-collections either in the CZ or the IZ. The tool was reconfigured and works differently then when we went live on Alma.
There are two different configurations and procedures for the Network and for the Institution Zone.
Ex Libris has made a note that if the library is comparing two collections to determine and overlap and unique titles, begin with the larger of the two collections as the Source collection, to get an accurate result.
IZ/NZ analysis - starts about half way down the ExL article
NZ Collection Overlap Example:
Start Overlap by going to Resources > Advanced Tools > Overlap and Collection Analysis and then click on New Analysis to start new comparison.
Choose the collection as the source, the collection being evaluated and compared to one other collection or multiple collections.
Click on Choose the Collection (source)
Locate the collection searching Electronic Collections
To see which titles are unique and which titles have overlap between the two collections, the source collection needs to be the bigger of the two collections.
In the NZ, collections can be compared in the NZ or compared against collections in the CZ. The NZ collections cannot be compared to IZ collections from the IZ.
The tool in the IZ does allow for a comparison against collections in the NZ.
Locate the collection and then click on Select.
In the NZ, it will state the collection is for the IZ. The NZ is known as an institution zone when in the NZ admin.
Example of the Source collection.
Click on Choose Target collection and locate target collection.
Check the box next to the Target collection.
More than one collection can be selected.
Click on Done once collection or collections have been selected.
Click on Generate to create a new analysis report.
Click on the View report button once the analysis is complete.
Quick look at the analysis between the two collections.
The reports can be downloaded.
There are 376 titles in Oxford University Press Full collection.
There are 176 titles in Oxford University Press Current collection.
The reports show where the overlap is between the collection.
There is also a report of the unique titles where this is no overlap.
In this example, there are 202 titles in the OUP Full collection that do not appear in the OUP Current collection.