ULMS Technical Services: To join the Technical Services mailing list, send an email to from the email address you would like subscribed.
CSUCD: Receive information related to CSU collection development and EAR. Contact Ying Liu to sign up.
ALMA-L: ALMA-L is an open discussion list focused on ALMA. Find more information here.
PRIMO: listserv focused on Primo and hosted by ELUNA & IGeLU. Find more information here.
Content-L: The list is hosted by ELUNA and IGeLU. Subscription is open to Ex Libris customers and to employees of Ex Libris and/or its affiliates and resellers. Content listserv is focused on Alma and CDI content. Find more information here.
EZProxy: listserv is focused on EZproxy. Hosted by OCLC. Find more information here.
ERIL: Focused on the management of electronic resources. Supported by Electronic Resources & Libraries. Find more information here.
Go to the Calstate Libraries Slack space to join: Detailed instructions can be found here. Channels of interest: electronic_resources, acquisitions, tech-services, discovery