This is the criteria used to activate a new Open Access electronic collection in the NZ. When Ex Libris adds a new Open Access or Free electronic collection to the CZ, these are the criteria used to activate the new e-collection.
Step-by-step guide
Check to see if the OA e-collection is predatory on Beall's List. Definition of Predatory Journals.
More information on how to identify a predatory publisher.
Are the journals or e-books available from another e-collection?
If there is a Wiley OA e-collection activated and a new e-collection is added, run an overlap comparison to determine if a second OA e-collection is necessary
If the new OA e-collection added is replacing a previous OA e-collection from the same vendor, activate the new OA e-collection and delete the older OA e-collection
Check if the content is truly full text not just abstracts or reviews or articles
Check the vendor's site for information about their OA titles
Check if the articles are truly open access
Doesn't require a institutional membership or a membership fee to gain access
Check if the OA resource requires a login
Does the site require the user to login to gain access
If user has to create an account on the site, do not activate this resource
If the OA collection contains content in a language other than English, check if the PDFs are translated to English
Notify libraries the new OA contains content in another language and state what language the content is published
Libraries decide if the content is appropriate for their collection development purposes
Notify NZ admin to set up the collection to be shared for the library
If the OA e-collection is activated
Add internal description note so collection can be found in an Advanced Search
"This is an Open Access OA resource"
Can create a query of Open Access resources in the NZ. The default "Equals Free" query does not always return all OA e-collections in Alma
Add Public Note
"May need to re-submit the search in the journal or e-book. Freely-available online resource is not maintained by the library. Access may be inconsistent"
Add "LocalOnly" to the Internal Description for the RapidILL lending note so that OA items do not trigger an ILL request
The Proxy settings must be set to NO in each library's group setting
Exception, if the OA is available because of an institutional subscription, like ProQuest, the proxy will need to be set to "yes" for each library
Set up CDI settings and add note to Internal Description the date CDI was set up and notate any changes to CDI settings in the Internal Description
Update collections that have odd naming convention
Bacon American Association For The Advancement Of Science Global Openaccess $AAAS_GLOBAL_OPENACCESS
Change to American Association for the Advancement of Science Open Access
Related articles
ACC Open Access Information and list of recommended OA resources
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