Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee | October 29, 2019 |
These procedures are for the scenario: one vendor - one database, when SDLC negotiates for a single database from a vendor All ERM and Acquisitions work will be completed by the Chancellor's Office.
NZ ECC Scenario #1
- Procedures in Alma
- Vendor Records, Funds and Ledger
- Now set up the Ledger record for ECC
- Licenses
- Managing License Terms
- Licenses
- Now add this license to the database and create Purchase Order (This is an Acquisitions Task and ER Task)
- Go to Task Lists
- Invoicing a new e-collection for ECC resources (suggested steps to take, these are not specific procedures and are not currently being used in the NZ)
Procedures in Alma
The following procedures are for Chancellor's Office SDLC and the NZ electronic resources administrator for a single resource negotiated and paid for centrally. The ECC e-collection is ordered and activated by SDLC and the NZ electronic resources administrator. The ECC e-collections will be ordered from the CZ and activated and maintained in the NZ by the NZ electronic resource administrator. These collections will not appear in the IZ in the local Alma instances, only the NZ and are view-only. License terms can be viewed from the portfolio-level in Alma or viewed in Primo. The Chancellor's Office will set up and maintain licenses for the ECC electronic resources. There are different procedures for e-resource management and acquisitions for the Opt-In e-collections.
Vendor Records, Funds and Ledger
For NZ ECC, must have funds and vendors. Vendor Records will not be shared with other instances because institutions use a different financial system code and this data element is overwritten with NZ Vendor records are pushed to the institutions.
ADD vendor
In NZ Admin instance, go to Alma Acquisition > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Vendor
Add Vendor
Add a Name and a Code
Check Material Supplier and Access Provider for vendor (use actual vendor, publisher, or aggregator [EBSCO, JSTOR, ProQuest, etc] for this record for ECC resources)
Material Supplier - create a vendor account for the Material Supplier -add vendor name, account code and add payment method
If there are multiple accounts for the same vendor, add the account to the vendor record in when setting up the vendor account in the Material Supplier tab
Check Licensor and Material Supplier for Opt-in resource in local instances (libraries are ordering the Opt-in databases from the CO so the CO needs to be a vendor in the local Alma instance. ECC resources use actual vendor)
Access Provider - create the interface account for the vendor
Enter information about the interface the vendor uses -name of the interface comes from the CZ
Add Licensor to add license information about the vendor
Add Financial System Code
Save the Vendor record
Edit the Vendor record to add contact information for SDLC. Add SDLC contact for billing contact and NZ administrator as the technical contact.
Now set up the Ledger record for ECC
Set up Ledger for ECC
Only need one ledger for ECC and this is a one time step. Won't create a new ledger after initial ledger is set up.
Alma > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Funds and Ledgers
Add Ledger
Enter Name and Code -locally created but follow recommendations set by the Acquisitions Policies. Example, do not include YEAR in the name.
Save record
Locate Ledger just added and click Activate
Then click on Edit
Add Rules for over expenditure -put "yes'
Save changes
Fund is added for the ECC core collection funds used to pay for the resources paid for by the Chancellor's Office.
Locate Ledger for ECC
Click Edit
Click on the Funds tab
Click on Add Fund
Choose Allocated Fund
Add Name and Code (ECC FUND names)
Choose Fund Type = General
Save the Fund
Activate the Fund
Edit the Fund
Go to Transactions tab
Add an Allocated Transaction
Enter in amount of ECC fund
*ADD the fund for the Opt-in resources using the same steps (use "place holder" amount for this fund. SDLC uses place holder amount for Opt-in's) SDLC pays vendors and libraries pay SDLC for Opt-in's.
Existing funds for ECC and Opt-in are rolled over every fiscal year. See instructions for NZ fund rollover.
Save changes
Now create license
Licenses are necessary for NZ ECC and NZ Opt-in of shared acquisitions. In NZ ECC and NZ Opt-in, the Chancellor's Office will create the negotiated license to attach to the Opt-in e-resources in the NZ. In NZ Opt-in, the library will locate the Opt-in e-collection in the NZ and order the e-collection and create the Purchase Order in the local IZ Alma instance. The license and price information will be copied from the NZ negotiated license and appear in the local instance when ordering.
Managing License Terms
See Alma documentation for details on how to manage License Terms and add License Terms. Recommended that user have Acquisitions Manager role to edit License Terms. The list of recommended license terms can be found in Appendix B.
It is recommended to track perpetual access titles in the license if the e-collection includes perpetual titles. See Appendix B for license term field.
New documentation on how to share NZ licenses in the IZ and how to update license terms using a script.
See how to Display Licenses Terms in View It tab
Steps for adding licenses for Shared ECC eResources (This is an Acquisitions Task)
Use terms and conditions that appear in the SDLC agreements, see list in Appendix B.
Choose Licenses under Acquisitions Infrastructure (under ALMA drop-down menu)
Add License > Manually > Next
License Type = Negotiation
Name for license -i.e. AIP
Name license code -i.e. Vendor and Database name used to create Name License Code.
Licensor comes from the Alma vendor record.
Make changes and add start dates and signed dates to Summary tab
Add Signed On dates –use information from the vendor agreement
Pick available names for Signed by (names from SDLC and vendor. These names will need to be added after migration.)
Pick appropriate vendor record for Licensor *
Change License Status to Active
Change License Review Status to Accepted
Choose License Location > Finance Office
Add License Terms -Go to License Terms tab and change settings for each section. See wiki page for more details about License Terms.
Save these changes
Now add this license to the database and create Purchase Order (This is an Acquisitions Task and ER Task)
Go to Repository to search for electronic collection (database name) under Resource Management
Click on drop down menu and choose Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection Name OR Keyword
Click on Community tab if activating the e-collection for first time
If e-collection was migrated from SFX to Alma, stay on the Institution tab in the Network Zone admin
Find Electronic Collection > where Electronic Collection Name > contains <name of database>
Locate the correct activated database and click on Order link
Fill in Order details (Remember to write down the POL #)
Purchase type = Electronic Collection -Subscription
PO Line Owner = Central Office
Click on the Create PO Line link *Write down POL #
Now Link the POL (Purchase Order Link) to the License
Add in necessary details for POL
Choose a License –pick a license (license for ECC is informational, not the negotiated license which is used in the Opt-in resource)
Choose Material Supplier –pick a vendor record (record for the actual vendor in the NZ for both ECC and Opt-in but in the local Alma instance, the library will choose CO/SDLC as the vendor for Opt-in resources)
Check on e-activation due date – normally the date comes from Vendor record but if you want it to activate immediately, change to 1 day or to the date the resource will be made available for users.
Enter in List Price –enter in amount for the resource (this if for the one vendor-one database scenario)
Then choose the ECC Fund
Click Select
IMPORTANT - Click on the FUND button to add the fund
Acquisition Method is Purchase at Vendor -Use this, means you will manually order the collection from the vendor instead of an order being send directly to the vendor from Alma. If this is not used, the order "hangs" and you can't move forward.
Choose appropriate reporting code, either Electronic Book or Electronic Serial. This is good for analytics and for search queries in the repository.
Enter in renewal dates
Choose Order Now and click on GO *notate the POL # (Order Now skips the auto-package step. The orders are packaged together at night after a job runs. Order Now skips that step, don't have to wait for it to be sent doesn't get stuck in review.)
Go to Task Lists
This is an Electronic Resources Task. Do these steps if Order is before Activating. Normally a new e-collection should be activated and then ordered.
Click on the clipboard icon at the top right hand corner of the Alma window.
Look for Electronic Resources –activation – unassigned (NOTE: Once it has been ordered, a Purchase Order [remember PO# for Invoicing] appears with the POL and can be activated)
Check the box next to the resource just ordered
Choose Make Available in Change Status drop-down box and Change Status (Can also change statuses in Resource Management Configuration - E-Task Status)
Now go to Actions buttons
Click on Activate if the collection was not migrated from SFX. (The Activate link will not be available if the resource is already active.)
Activate the collection and check the two service boxes Note: In the General Information tab for the e-resource, the Access Type can be set to Current or Perpetual in Electronic Collection Name –this is informational only
Active from Date –fill out the date the resource is available
Keep Mark Bib as Suppressed checked
Click Next (do not enable proxy here, will do it in the Group Settings)
Activate portfolios
Save and check on progress of the activation job
Go to Monitor Jobs under Manage Jobs under Alma tab
Keep refreshing until job is done
Locate the resource once the job is done
The resource should appear in the Institution Zone for the NZ admin
Go to Action buttons and choose Edit Resource
Click on Additional Information tab
Click on Full Text link under Service Type
Click on the Group Settings tab
Now Edit Service –at the service level, libraries are added to the Group Settings to make it available to institutions (This is an Electronic Resources Task)
Click on Add Settings for Group
Choose Library under Group drop down list
Set Proxy settings to YES for each member added to e-collection Group Settings
Add linking parameters if needed
Save changes, resource is live for member institutions, and now create invoice for ECC e-resource
Resource will appear in Primo after the nightly Alma publishing job runs
Invoicing a new e-collection for ECC resources (suggested steps to take, these are not specific procedures and are not currently being used in the NZ)
Create Invoice:
Go to Acquisitions > Receiving and Invoicing > Create Invoice
Invoice Creation: From PO
Use PO for the resource just activated in the NZ (can do a search for the associated POL to find the PO in the PO search box)
Once saved, click on Actions > Edit
Add a Subscription To and From date since it is a continuation of the e-resource subscription
Save and Continue
Tasks > Ready to be Paid Invoices
Locate Invoice and click on Actions > Edit
Need to pay the invoice – Choose Pay and that would complete the process
Look at member institution to see if the resource is available to them in the NZ