Unified Library Management System : ULMS Update reports (2015-2024)

Chancellor’s Office ·         Chris Lee has released a new CSU-wide Canvas course to train our CSU staff on resource sharing named “Rapido 101”, expanding on training offered by Ex Libris on Rapido to make it CSU-specific, and to connect certification and badging to this course in order to give resource sharing staff more permissions in the ULMS. Use this link and sign in with your campus SSO to make an account and enroll in the course: https://csuco.instructure.com/enroll/FATDEE https://csuco.…
Chancellor’s Office The SDLS/CO department is reviewing the ULMS listserv memberships to make sure we are reaching all the appropriate staff and faculty and that our communications can be more targeted to areas of the system, without too many duplicate messages. SCELCapalooza https://scelcapalooza2024.sched.com/ is coming up at the end of February 2024 on the Los Angeles campus of Loyola Marymount University. Folks from the CO that will attend some of the days: SDLC (Kirstie Genzel,…
Chancellor’s Office CO staff presented the Rapido evaluation to COLD on December 7, 2023 https://spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/COLD/pages/2842755086/COLD+FULL+Draft+Meeting+Notes+December+2023. Thank you to all the Deans that reviewed the report ahead of time and all the staff and faculty that contributed to the report.…
Project Management Christina Hennessey started Sept 25, 2023 at the CO in her new role as Director of the ULMS Visited all ULMS functional group meetings, explaining my new role and how I can help each committee with their goals and work Restarted Technical Services Open Forum https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/URM/pages/144572459/Technical*Services*Open*Forum*Recordings__;KysrKw!!MWueTNF2!…
April 2023 Update
Project Management Scheduled meetings through March with Ex Libris around issues affecting our satisfaction with Alma and Primo. Individuals who can discuss our pain points are invited to these meetings. The broad themes to be discussed are: Data Excellence and Discovery (CDI,…
March 2023 Update
Project Management Scheduled meetings through March with Ex Libris around issues affecting our satisfaction with Alma and Primo. Individuals who can discuss our pain points are invited to these meetings. The broad themes to be discussed are: Data Excellence and Discovery (CDI,…
Project Management Scheduled meetings through March with Ex Libris around issues affecting our satisfaction with Alma and Primo. Individuals who can discuss our pain points are invited to these meetings. The broad themes to be discussed are: Data Excellence and Discovery (CDI,…
Project Management Both the ULMS Satisfaction Survey and ULMS In-Person Meeting preferences surveys were closed in the last two weeks.  The Satisfaction Survey reports to COLD and to ExL will be shared out in Dec The results of the in-person meeting survey will be shared with COLD and a decision made on who to invite to such a meeting,…
Project Management The CO met with Ex Libris regarding the Satisfaction Survey report on Thursday, Jan 19. ExL proposed a modified series of meetings aimed at addressing the top issues identified in the survey. Primary focus will be on issues with indexes (CDI, GTI), discovery and CZ records, although there will be meetings on issues in other areas.…
Project Management The 2022 ULMS Satisfaction Survey has been shared with all CSU library staff this week via the ulms-announce mailing list. This survey will be used to gauge staff satisfaction with Ex Libris and their products and to produce a report to be shared with COLD and Ex Libris executives. In past years, Ex Libris has provided responses to the issues collected via both the Staff and Committee surveys and worked with us to resolve as many issues as they can.…
Sept 2022 ULMS Update
Analytics Committee agenda for the year Collaborating with the Resource Sharing committee for collaboration to create a Rapido Dashboard. We will continue to monitor and update the ACRL IPEDS reports as needed. There may be opportunities to work more directly with SRDC on collection development analytics as well.…
Project Management Discussions with Ex Libris regarding Top Issues continue. We are seeking to receive responses from all outstanding issues by mid-July. ELUNA 2022 sessions were held over May. Presentation materials are available here https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Cross-Product/Conferences_and_Seminars/ELUNA/027ELUNA_2022. ULMS Committees will turn over on July 1st of this year. Committees will form over the rest of the summer and start meeting at the beginning of the fall semester.…
April 2022 ULMS Update
Project Management The top issues from all ULMS Governance committees have been submitted to Ex Libris for discussion. Members of the Analytics Committee will be meeting with Ex Libris on April 27 to discuss specific issues around SUSHI and COUNTER 5 functionality in Alma. ELUNA general sessions will be held virtually this year over the month of May. Please visit the ELUNA 2022 page https://el-una.org/meetings/eluna-2022-annual-meeting/ for registration information and schedule.…
Project Management Members of the CO team met with Ex Libris regarding the Satisfaction Survey. Ex Libris has engaged with us on many of the top issues covered in the Survey since the meeting and discussions should continue over the next several months. Analytics Working Group The committee has been busy helping CSU folks who have questions about the ACRL/IPEDS reports. Those reports are not due until March 31,…
Project Management Brandon will be sharing the report on this year’s Satisfaction Survey with COLD shortly. Overall, satisfaction scores from staff are higher for Alma, Primo (VE) and Support compared to last year. Scores are neutral-to-slightly-lower than last year from the ULMS committees.  Brandon will next draft the report to Ex Libris which will go into more detail about the issues described in survey responses. Typically,…
Project Management Brandon will be sending out the latest Satisfaction Survey in a couple of weeks. The structure will be the same as last year, where individual CSU library staff and faculty will have the opportunity to share their personal feelings on Alma and Primo VE as well as the ULMS committees.…
Project Management Brandon will be sending out the latest Satisfaction Survey in a couple of weeks. The structure will be the same as last year, where individual CSU library staff and faculty will have the opportunity to share their personal feelings on Alma and Primo VE as well as the ULMS committees.…
Project Management The CSU went live on Primo VE in July. As of Sept 1, we are in production with Primo VE. A huge thank you to those of you who participated in making the implementation a success! We have shared our experience with the Go VE process formally with Ex Libris. The Ex Libris contract renewal was finalized in July. The current contract is for a two-year period and will be due for renewal in June 2023.…
June 2021 ULMS Update
Project Management COLD voted to accept the recommendation from the Discovery Committee to implement Primo VE this summer. Libraries can choose which date to go live on VE in July. Campuses may continue to work on VE before go-live as there is no “freeze” with a VE implementation. COLD also voted to negotiate with Ex Libris’ on their Rapido proposal. Rapido is Ex Libris’ next-gen resource sharing product, and the CSU has been a Rapido development partner since 2019.…
May 2021 ULMS Update
Project Management ELUNA sessions have been running throughout the month. The webinars are recorded and should be available to watch on-demand in June. Clarivate announced the purchase of ProQuest, Ex Libris’ parent company, earlier this week. We have met with Ex Libris and have been assured that it will be business as usual for the foreseeable future.   Contract renewal discussions with Ex Libris are ongoing.…
April 2021 ULMS Update
Project Management Working through the top issues reported by each functional area in the Satisfaction Survey with Ex Libris product management. ERM is currently underway, with the other committees going through in turn. Primo VE evaluation continues through the spring. Testing has begun and is planned to last into May.…
March 2021 ULMS Update
Project Management Working through the top issues reported by each functional area in the Satisfaction Survey with ex Libris product management. Analytics just finished up, ERM will be next with the other committees going through in turn. Primo VE evaluation continues through the spring. The configuration step will be largely completed by the end of March. Testing will then begin and is planned to last into May.…
Project Management Primo VE Evaluation began in early Jan and is planned to continue until late-May/early-June. Each campus will be participating and contributing to the evaluation and final call on whether to go into production with Primo VE or stay with Primo. The Discovery Committee is spearheading this work with support by the Chancellor’s Office. The CO met with Ex Libris in January and discussed their response to the Satisfaction Survey conducted in the Fall.…
Project Management The ULMS Satisfaction Survey has been closed to submissions. Thanks to the 130 members of our libraries who contributed their thoughts about how well (or not) Alma and Primo are working for them. A report summarizing the responses will be submitted to COLD by the end of the month, with a more comprehensive version to be sent to Ex Libris in December for a response. The kickoff date for the Primo VE evaluation is January 11, 2021.…
Project Management Working with Ex Libris and members of the ULMS committees on a plan to evaluate Primo VE in early 2021. More info on this will be forthcoming. There will be a satisfaction survey sent out in early October to all CSU library staff and librarians and to the ULMS committees. This survey will be very similar to the surveys sent out last fall and are aimed at capturing the major issues involving Alma and Primo in the CSU.…
Project Management Met with Ex Libris product managers on Oct 13 to discuss evaluating Primo VE. We will be an early adopter (really the first) of the consortial Go VE process. We will start with a hand-picked team of testers but anyone who wishes will be able to view Primo VE from the beginning. We expect to develop a feedback process to gather initial thoughts from “non-testers” as we perform the initial configuration and testing of the product.…
Project Management The ULMS Steering Committee met with Matt Baker and Shelley Hostetlier from Ex Libris regarding issues raised in the Satisfaction Survey from the fall. Ex Libris has proposed identifying 2-3 of those issues and forming ad hoc task forces around addressing each of them. The hope is that we can find a method that works for us both and then iterate through the issues as we can.    Analytics Working Group Alma now supports COUNTER5 with the January release.…
Project Management Finished ULMS satisfaction survey conducted over October and November assessing satisfaction with ExL, Alma and Primo amongst library deans, staff and governance committees. The results have been shared with COLD and Ex Libris and will be used to inform our contract renewal discussions in 2020 Reorganizing Confluence in January to improve usability and discovery of materials. Philosophy for sharing all documentation past and present remains intact.…
Oct 2019 ULMS Update
Project Management Met with Ex Libris executives on Thursday, Oct 4, to update us on customer support, ExL strategic initiatives and further adoption of Ex Libris products. ExL Support manager Brian Noone held a webinar on Friday, Oct 5, regarding changes in their support organization and improvements in their internal workflow. Recording of the meeting is available and the link was sent out over email.…
Sept 2019 ULMS Update
Project Management We enjoyed a successful and well-attended Summer Meeting on Aug 8. Many thanks to the hosts at Northridge, to those of you who presented and especially those of you who took time out of your schedule to come to the meeting. Recordings from the meeting https://spaces.calstate.edu/wiki/spaces/ULMS/pages/792068172/ULMS+Summer+Meeting+2019 may be found on Confluence. A special thanks to those who attended and provided feedback through the post-meeting survey.…
May 2019 ULMS Update
Project Management David and Brandon met with various Ex Libris staff and managers at ELUNA. Topics included discussion of the issues detailed in the Check-In Call report, a potential development partnership for Ex Libris’ next-generation resource sharing service, and deeper discussions around consortial issues with Alma Analytics. Analytics Working Group Submitted analytics policies for discussion and approval by the Steering Committee At ELUNA,…
April 2019 ULMS Update
Project Management Worked with the At-Large members of the Steering Committee on first round voting for ELUNA enhancements, gathering votes to put to use with the Chancellor’s Office ELUNA membership. Looking at putting on a Summer Meeting this year, working with COLD and the Steering Committee to determine feasibility, scale and logistics. Next steps will be sending out a “save the date” and working with committee chairs to form the agenda.…
Project Management Campus check-in calls were completed in early February. Report on common and important themes will be shared with the campuses on March 20. This report will be shared with the ULMS Steering Committee, campus contacts, COLD and Ex Libris. Next steps will be to work with Ex Libris to understand and address the issues detailed in the report.…
Project Management We are sorry to announce that Marcus Jun will be leaving the Chancellor’s Office at the end of January for another job opportunity. Marcus has made many contributions to the success of the ULMS project -- both during implementation and in providing Network Zone support as part of the CO team -- and he will be missed. We hope you will join us in wishing him continued success in his new endeavors! In the short-term,…
Project Management Scheduled meeting with Ex Libris support with rotating topics. November’s topic was Resource Sharing, where currently open cases were discussed and future action steps agreed upon. December’s meeting focused on Primo issues, where we explored our issues with relevance ranking and the UResolver to date. Check-in calls with the CSU libraries will be scheduled in December to be held in January.…
October 2018 Update
Project Management Ex Libris will be migrating internal users to a commercial identity service supported by ExL in January 2019. All authentication flows will be supported (Alma, Primo, PDS, APIs) and internal users will continue to be supported using this service. Users will be migrated to the new identity service the first time they log into Primo or Alma. They will be asked to update their password if it doesn’t meet the new password strength policy. If they have no password,…
September 2018 Update
Project Management In response to August meeting topic with ExL management, presented list of top 12 cases in Development status in SalesForce for internal escalation. California ELUNA Regional Users Group has been formally recognized by ELUNA. Brandon will serve as Chair during the first year, with other leadership positions taken by representatives from USC and UC Irvine. Planning for the year is underway. Any CSU staff, faculty,…
August 2018 Update
Project Management Met with Ex Libris reps on August 17 Dana (ERM product owner) will be reaching out to us to work on ERM enhancements Jess will figure out who from Acq & ERM committee to invite Primo VE discussion led to realization that it is not coming as soon as we would like Issues with norm rules, pipes GES support lacking Consortial functionality missing Matt Baker (NA Director of Support) acknowledged current issues with support Overhaul of content support org,…
Summer 2018 Update
Project Management Gathered feedback on ExL Support over the past year and shared summarized comments over ULMS mailing lists. These comments will be shared with ExL at our meeting on August 17 Voting on second round of Alma Enhancements took place in late June/early July. Voting on second round of Primo enhancements is currently underway,…
May 2018 Update
Project Management Summer Meeting August 13-14 May 31 is the deadline for Deans and Library Contacts to submit registrations for the meeting. After that date available space will be filled by those campuses who have requested additional seats. Topical agenda has been shared with the campuses. CSU presenters are being determined by each functional committee and will be finalized prior to the event.…
April 2018 Update
All - Here is this month's update. We're trying a slightly different organization in hopes that it will be easier for you to see everything going on in your areas of interest. As always, let me know if you have any feedback! Take care,…
March 2018 Update
All - By request, we are returning to providing monthly updates on all things ULMS. Please bear with us as we experiment with form and content over the next couple of months. Feedback is always appreciated! CO Update The following report provides some basic notes on recent and upcoming tasks within the Unified Library Management System project. Project Management The Chancellor’s Office has completed campus check-in reports. 22 of 24 libraries received follow-up questions to get clarification.…
February 2018 Update
This is the third quarterly report this year from our group to COLD on the ULMS project.  In response to feedback from campus staff, we’re planning to return to our previous monthly project updates.  Those will be sent to the project listserv and posted on the project Confluence site. Current highlights Resource Management Marcus Jun from Northridge is onboard, taking over duties formerly provided by Sarina.…
November 2017 Update
Having laid out our high-level activities for the year in the previous update, we’d like to take this opportunity to focus on some of the specific projects the Chancellor’s Office has been working on in October and November. Current projects In coordination with the ULMS functional committees and campus libraries, Systemwide Digital Library Services is tackling a wide array of projects, with a particular focus on electronic resources management, discovery, and resource sharing.…
September 2017 Update
Here are the major project milestones since June 2017: The CSU libraries went live with Alma and Primo as scheduled on June 27 CSU+ resource sharing was brought online on July 10 The implementation phase of the project ended on August 9, and all library instances are now supported by Ex Libris’ production support The new governance structure started on September 1 Support Since going live, Chancellor’s Office ULMS staff have turned their focus to solving any remaining issues from the migration,…
Project Update 6/27/17
All –   In today’s update, you will hear about how awesome you are as well as Discovery and CSU+ updates!   * Project Status *   As of 5p today, every CSU library is live on Alma and Primo!   Due to your dedication, hard work and good cheer, we have arrived at the end of the Implementation Phase in amazing shape. There will be bumps and adjustments up ahead of us as we continue to learn about what our new system can and can’t do,…
Project Update 6/20/17
All –   Today’s project update will cover general project status as well as updates on course reserves and resource sharing.   * Project Status *   As of this afternoon, all of the Group 1 & and but one of group 2 libraries are live in Alma and Primo. That brings us up to 15 CSU libraries live in Alma with the 16th coming along shortly.   Group 3 libraries have had their Alma data delivered to them for checking.…
Project Update 6/13/17
All –   Today’s project update will cover general project status as well as updates on resource sharing.   * Project Status *   As of this afternoon, all of the Group 1 libraries are live in Alma and Primo. This group includes Sacramento and San Marcos, who have moved their Alma installations over to join the CSU consortium cluster.   Group 2 libraries have had their Alma data delivered to them for checking. These libraries will accept their Alma data by the end of the day tomorrow (Wednesday,…
Project Update 6/6/17
All –   Today’s update will contain general project status info as well as updates on Alma-Financial systems integration, resource sharing training, and things to keep in mind for your Fulfillment Cutover in June.   * Project Status *   Group 1: All libraries have received their Alma data and are currently testing in preparation for Alma data acceptance tomorrow, June 7. Go-Live is on schedule for next Tuesday, June 13.…
Project Update 5/30/17
All – Today’s email will cover the current status of the final load, next milestones to keep an eye out for, as well as updates on discovery and resource sharing. * Project Status * As of yesterday, all institutional data is in the hands of Ex Libris migration staff, who will be testing and loading your data over the next couple of weeks. All groups are in technical freeze at this point awaiting delivery of migrated data into your production Alma environments.…
Project Update 5/23/17
All – This message contains updates on Resource Sharing as well as a project update. * Project Status *   This is the last week for final data uploads. A big thank you for those of you who are working or did work on producing the final data exports! Group 1: East Bay, Humboldt, Chico, Bakersfield, Dominguez Hills, Northridge, Fresno Final data export uploaded & Technical Freeze begun: 5/13 Next deadline: Data test/acceptance: 6/7 Group 2: Monterey Bay, Maritime, Sonoma, Fullerton,…
Project Update 5/16/17
All –   Now that we are in the final phases of ULMS implementation, these update emails will be sent out weekly every Tuesday. The aim is for everybody to understand where we are in the implementation process and to know what the next steps will be for your library. As always, your local Project Manager is your best friend for details or questions, but you may also reach out to me as well.   This message contains updates on Resource Sharing,…
Project Update 3/21/17
All –   Today’s update will touch upon the following topics:   Ring out the test phase, ring in the final load Introducing Anya Arnold, Resource Sharing consultant extraordinaire New Primo videos on search available Campus Visits ERM Update Working Group policies, procedures and goals on Confluence Confluence is there for you!   ** End of Test Load is nigh. Final load begins in early April **   It’s true! The official end of the Alma/Primo test phase is scheduled for next Friday, March 31.…
Project Update 1/3/17
Happy New Year to everyone!   This project update contains information on the following:   Welcome to 2017! Reminder: Alma Functional Workshop Jan 9-11 Reminder: Regional Alma Site visits in Jan Upcoming webinars   = Welcome to 2017! =   With a new year comes the knowledge that we are entering the final stretch of our Alma and Primo implementation. Six short months from now, we will be fully implemented in Alma and Primo, an exciting realization indeed!…
Project Update 10/20/16
Hi all, Here's the project update for this month. Workshop The second Alma Functional Workshop has been scheduled for January 9-11, 2017 (Monday-Wednesday), at Fullerton.  Attendance will be determined by your dean. We are currently working with Ex Libris on the agenda, although consortium functionality and workflows will be the focus.  Primo reconfiguration Due to some instability issues in our Primo environment, Ex Libris is reinstalling and reconfiguring Primo from scratch.…
All -   This project update message contains information on the following topics: Fall training -- Ex–Libris & CSU Primo Functional Calls begin in October Shibboleth (Authentication) Update PeopleSoft Update Fall Training Starts This Week  There will be two parallel webinar training series beginning this week, one managed by Ex Libris and one managed by Sarina and Mallory from the CO.…
Project Update 8/2/16
All - This project update will touch upon the following topics: Project Status  Alma workshop Aug 9-11 ULMS Communication survey summary Project Communications review Resource Sharing discussion starting Project Status The ULMS Project continues moving along through the Test phase relatively on schedule. At a high level, focus will shortly be moving from Alma to the Primo side of the system as Alma functional calls come to an end this week and the first workshop takes place next week.…
Project Update 6/7/16
All - This project update message contains information on the following topics:   Test Instances released this week August Training dates announced Ex Libris Project Manager transition 2017 Go-Live dates  Primo Central Update Test Instances to be delivered on Thursday 6/9 The day is nearly upon us, when all of you can see what your data looks like in Alma! On Thursday, your Project Manager will receive an email from Ex Libris containing the link to your Alma test instance,…
Project Update 4/27/16
This week’s project update contains information about the following: CO staff out next week Test load status COLD meeting April 28-29 Serial Solutions ERM developer partnership Ex Libris Executive meeting Functional training scheduled August 8-10 ==ELUNA next week==   Much of the Chancellor's Office ULMS Team will be out of the office over the next several weeks as we attend the COLD meeting and ELUNA Conference. We'll be online that whole time, but may be a bit delayed in getting back to you.…
Project Update 4/5/16
All - This latest project update contains information about the following: Test Phase project status & upcoming milestones SFX migration status Primo Central/Xerxes changes Test Phase Update Since the last project update,…
Project Update 3/2/16
All - This project update contains information about the following: March project schedule review Confluence website updates and information Primo Central Integration Sandboxes and Vanguard instances are open Marching Forth March brings us to the official beginning of Phase 2 of the ULMS project. During the course of the month,…
Project Update 1/29/16
All - Happy Friday! This ULMS project update covers the following: Vanguard phase update New sandbox environment Test Phase Schedule Primo Central integration update ELUNA 2016 general information Vanguard Phase Update The three Vanguard campuses received access to their Alma instances on Tuesday, Jan 26. We plan to give them two weeks to test their data and ensure that records migrated as expected and that the configuration of Alma meets expectations. Once testing is complete,…
Project Update 12/3/15
Hi everyone, today’s ULMS project update includes: Vanguard campuses Alma/Primo integration with PeopleSoft and Shibboleth Primo Central update Surveys Upcoming meetings Vanguard campuses continue their work San Jose, Fresno, and Northridge continue to work on migration and configuration tasks as part of the vanguard test load, having recently wrapped up work on the initial configuration form.  I can tell you that this is a dedicated and hard-working group,…
All - Today’s ULMS update contains information about the following; Sarina and Mallory bios Meeting of the Alma Consortia  Vanguard update Network Zone webinars Meet Sarina Sinick and Mallory DeBartolo Last week we announced the hire of our Data Migration Manager Sarina Sinick and our Workflow Redesign Manager Mallory DeBartolo. We’ve asked them to tell you a bit about their background,…
Project Update 11/3/15
All - This project update will cover the following topics: CO Hiring update Vanguard phase update COLD update Network Zone webinars iplanned for Nov-Jan) ELUNA 2016 information Chancellor’s Office Hiring Update We are pleased to announce the addition of two individuals to our ULMS team at the CO. Sarina Sinick, our Data Migration specialist, comes to the CSU from Innovative Interfaces. She will be based out of CSU East Bay. Mallory DeBartalo, our Workflow Redesign Specialist,…
All - Today’s update contains information about: ProQuest and Ex Libris Merger Kickoff Meeting/Project Management training meeting recap Vanguard phase update Access to Alma/Primo online training David, Lauren, Brandon meeting with CSU IT Reminders: list archives, new areas of Confluence ProQuest/Ex Libris deal Most of you by now will have heard about the deal that brings Ex Libris into the ProQuest product family. At this stage,…
Project update 09/27/15
Hi all, Brandon and I were both out of the office since our last update two weeks ago, so neither of us have much to report.  But I did want to provide a brief update on the project as well as describe an upcoming project related to ULMS. Kick-off Meeting and Project Management Workshop The Implementation Team, including Alice Kawakami, Rae Ann Stahl, and Patrick Newell,…
All - A very happy Friday to all of you in the CSU Libraries! Today’s message contains updates and information about: Recap of Sept 10 Working Group Leads meeting Reminder: October 5-6 meeting for Project Managers The Vanguard Phase of the project ELUNA membership & new monthly Ex Libris webinar Reminders: sign up for Working Group listservs, project website, Alma documentation portal NOTE: I will be on vacation from Monday, Sept 14-Friday, Sept 25.…
Project Update 08/24/15
Posting this on behalf of brandon dudley. In this update Upcoming meetings – Sept 10 & Oct 5 Implementation and Optional Data forms distributed Subscribe to working group lists and bookmark Confluence website Virtual Office Hours Meetings The CSU Implementation Team (David Walker, Alice Kawakami, Rae Ann Stahl, Patrick Newell and myself) have begun biweekly phone calls with members of Ex Libris’ implementation team and management. During these calls,…
ELUNA sent out an early message about next year's conference.  If possible, I highly recommend attending this conference.  There is a lot of information about the Ex Libris products and especially a lot of helpful information on ALMA and Primo from both Ex Libris and other libraries.  There is a technical seminar held before the general conference where you can get some hands-on training on Ex Libris products.  I learned a lot from the seminar and the conference.…
Project Update 07/29/15
Posting this on behalf of brandon dudley. Colleagues - I wanted to update you on recent happenings in the ULMS project. As you will see, we are still in the beginning stages, but are poised to get things running in earnest over the next two weeks at a pace that will likely be sustained throughout the rest of the project. We have been receiving many questions from your staff, which show their level of excitement is running high and engagement in campus planning runs deep.…