if you are experiencing slowness issues of any sort with Alma and Primo, first check that local issues (network, workstation) are not the issue and that there are no current outages at your campus, home or generally with Alma and Primo (including analytics). ExL outage information may be found at https://status.exlibrisgroup.com/. We are on Alma NA03 and Primo NA11.
If you are satisfied that none of these are at play, please create a case in SalesForce with the following information:
Date & time of issues
Your Alma username if applicable
Parts of the system in use, analytics report being run, etc.
Also create and attach a HAR file following these steps: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Cross-Product/Knowledge_Articles/Creating_an_HAR_(HTTP_archive_format)_file
This file contains a lot of useful information that ExL Support can use to troubleshoot issues and is probably the most important thing you can do to help them help you.