

Regrets: Elizabeth Altman, Kate Barron, Stacie Jensen, Marc Langston, Lauren Magnuson, Jennifer Rogers


Discussion topics


  • License Information for Tableau Task Force - Natasha (on behalf of Lauren)

    1. 2 Creator licenses - creators are able to upload data

      1. Lauren

      2. Karen (Tracy will take it on after Karen is done)

    2. 5 Explorer Licenses - explorers are not able to upload data but can manipulate data that is already available

      1. Natasha

      2. Tracy

      3. Margot

      4. Laura

      5. TBA

  • Review the work plan for 2019-2020 - All

    1. There are point people assigned on the timeline but the idea is that more folks will be assigned as needed.

  • Questions? Comments? - All

  1. Margot - wants to know how to get assigned to confluence

Action items

  • Natasha Allen (Unlicensed) Natasha will assign keys
  • Lauren will create the site to begin uploading data
  • Creators (Karen and Lauren) will begin uploading data for manipulation
  • Laura Krier (Unlicensed) and Karen will pulling and/or manipulate data before uploading
  • Karen will work on grabbing YoY data as requested by some deans
  • Once data is uploaded explorers can begin creating vizzes
  • Natasha will update confluence with 2019-20 membership

Next Meeting Agenda Items

Note: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 28th at 2pm via Zoom

  • We will discuss the types of vizzes we want to add