ULMS Assessment & Analytics : 2023-09-13 Meeting notes

(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

(blue star) Goals

  • Determine agenda and goals for 23/24 committee cycle

(blue star) Discussion topics





3:03 - 3:14pm



  • Name

  • Institution and role

  • Why you joined and your experience with analytics

3:14 - 3:41pm

Agenda for the year


From Brandon: “What topics you would like to discuss, what goals you want to set, and what activities you want to perform over the academic year”?

  • Rapido reports need to add most requested journals report and add monthly breakdown for Turnaround Times report

  • Does RSFC need additional reports for Rapido evaluation

  • Shared Folder> Community>CalState folder and report maintenance and management plan

  • SUSHI harvesting and report support for campuses - what has been done and what can be done going forward

  • Look into various subject area reports in a more in depth way

  • Open Forum and Office Hours to help with reports

3:41 - 3:43pm

Meeting schedule


How often and when should we meet?

  • Once a month standing meeting with additional meetings as needed

  • Natalya will send another poll about availability

3:43 - 4pm

Analytics share


  • Perhaps share navigation and customization options in the new Analytics UI in an open forum

  • Suggestion to focus on demystifying Analytics for those that are new to it or that have been afraid of it

(blue star) Action items


(blue star) Decisions