Use this page to record specific reporting needs–both the data required and the intended use.

List the reports by name or type, with all data needs, then list the data needs separately in the data matrix.

Priority will follow this order:  mandatory (data you must supply), necessary (data for ordinary and expected workflows), and desirable (data for various projects; data not yet available but in development).  Given current time and resource constraints, reports utilizing data that is not yet available through Alma, and not on the development roadmap, will not be considered at this time.

Mandatory Reports

  • Number of titles held (all formats)
  • Number of volumes held (print + electronic)
  • Basis of print volume count: Physical or Bibliographic?
  • Number of Electronic books (included in question 2)
  • One-time resource purchases
  • Ongoing resource purchases (e.g., subscriptions, annual license fees)
  • Collection support
  • Consortia/Networks/Bibliographic Utilities Expenditures from External Sources
  • Number of initial circulations (excluding reserves)
  • Number of successful full-text article requests (journals)
  • Number of regular searches (databases)
  • Number of federated searches (databases)
  • Total number of filled requests PROVIDED TO other libraries
  • Total number of filled requests RECEIVED FROM other library or providers

Please review file to see if I improperly excluded items.

ACRL (CSU tab)

Total number of serial titles (print and electronic)

Total number of reference transactions at levels 3 and 4 in a typical week


IPEDS (formerly NCES)

Due Feb. 20

IPEDS 2015-16 Data Collection Survey Material Form and Instructions

  • Books: Physical & Digital
  • Databases: Physical & Digital
  • Media: Physical & Digital
  • Circulation: Physical & Digital
  • Number of branch libraries
  • Cost of one-time materials purchases
  • Cost of on-going commitments to subscriptions
  • Cost of other materials/services (including short-term PDA loans)
  • All other materials/service cost
  • Preservation services
  • All other operations and maintenance expenditures
  • Total interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries
  • Total interlibrary loans and documents received

Capital Assets for Library Book additions, disposals, gifts and depreciation

  • Book and ebook expenditures by vendor, format, and PeopleSoft account string (deptID and account at Cal Poly SLO)
  • Book and ebook volume count
    • print books purchased in FY
    • print book gifts added to collection in FY
    • print books withdrawn in FY
    • perpetual access ebooks added in FY
      • total purchased by individual title or collection
      • from Cal Poly Fiscal Services: "Electronic Library books (annual renewals) are normally expensed and not capitalized but Electronic Library books with a perpetual license will be separately identified by Library staff and reviewed by General Accounting to determine if capitalized."
  • Average price per ebook by collection and overall
Journal Holdings (e.g. RapidILL)Title, ISSN/ISBN, holdings data (print titles)/access or entitlement data (electronic titles)



Necessary Reports
Fiscal CloseLine-item report of all FY financial activity: fund code, fund name, voucher or payment ID, payment record ID, title, amount (appropriation, encumbrance, or expenditure). (If possible: electronic/physical, format (book/journal/video, etc.), 1 time/continuing, single/collection, external fund)
Desirable Reports
Data for Reports
AcquisitionsFiscal year expenditures, filtered by one-time vs ongoing vs otherACRL, CSU-ACRL, IPEDS
AcquisitionsFY expenditures, filtered by format or fund, to verify PeopleSoft dashboard reportGAAP Audit
Bibliographic (or item-level?)Number of titles held in each format; total number of titles held in any formatACRL, CSU-ACRL, College Rating Surveys, etc.
Bibliographic (or item-level?)Number of volumes/pieces held in each format (i.e. filtered by format); total number of volumes held in any formatACRL, CSU-ACRL, IPEDS, College Rating Surveys, etc.
BibliographicNumber of titles (in any format) available in a given set of subjects; should be deduplicated.Accreditation
Bibliographic (or item-level?)

Volumes added and withdrawn; payment/gift status possible?

GAAP Audit
BibliographicMarc Holdings DataHoldings Report
Electronic ResourcesNumber of titles in an ebook package; date activated possible?GAAP Audit
Electronic ResourcesAccess, entitlement, or holdings dataHoldings Report
Usage DataJR1 covering fiscal year, all subscribed e-journals; DB1 covering FY, all subscribed databasesACRL, CSU-ACRL
Usage DataBR1, MR1 covering FY, all licensed e-books (including purchased DDA) and streaming media; BR2, MR2 may be used insteadIPEDS
Circulation DataInitial checkouts for library materials during FY; excludes renewals, ILL, and devicesIPEDS
