ULMS Systems & Development : 2015-09-10 ULMS Working Group Leads Meeting Systems notes



Discussion items

 Selecting a Chair 

Setting an Agenda

  • Campus authentication/third party integration (ILLiad, PeopleSoft, EZProxy, CashNet): 
    • many campuses have issues with unmaintained authentication directories 
    • some campuses may have multiple identity stores
    • some campuses prefer Shibboleth; some may be going to SAML
      • All campuses should have Shibboleth capability, but some have implemented it differently (e.g., faculty/staff only)
      • San Marcos using Alma LDAP; Primo is Shibboleth. Moving all user authentication to Shib.
        • With Primo must allow community patrons to login. When a community patron logs in, they check an option for 'community' in order to login
        • ExLibris charged one-time 3k fee for Primo Shibboleth integration
          • Not sure if CSU will cover these costs for all the CSU campuses?
    • David Walker can provide us data from the September 1st to get a sense of what campuses would like to use for authentication
    • ILLiad: Interest in using Shibboleth, not only for ULMS but other systems like ILLiad
      • Ian Chan (Unlicensed) has script for ILLiad that enables checking Alma for current account status along with LDAP
    • PeopleSoft (Financials and Patron Loading)
      • PeopleSoft has multiple stakeholders (Campus IT, Business Services/Campus Financials, Student Services / Admissions & Records)
      • Former user (Deleted) mentioned that they have a system that creates a CSV file formatted for PeopleSoft that PeopleSoft picks up from FTP
      • Ian Chan (Unlicensed) working on setting up financial data from Alma; process gets data from Alma in XML and then needs to be mapped for PeopleSoft ingestion. Once invoices are paid, data needs to be returned from PeopleSoft
      • Would be great to get one particular format for PeopleSoft financial data from the library
        • Not all campuses have the same relationship with their PeopleSoft financial office; identify outliers for these processes
      • PeopleSoft user/patron data is synced every morning in Alma
        • San Marcos protects fields from overwrite on patron sync, like barcode
        • Community patrons are set up as internal accounts with their own internal passwords
          • Three types of accounts (external, internal with external auth, or purely internal)
    • CashNet
      • Enables students to pay fines and other direct patron financial transactions. CashNet has an API. Many CSUs have CashNet
      • Some campuses using PayPal directly
  • NCIP Integration with ILLiad
    • Would integrate Alma account information with ILLiad information (e.g., log into Alma and see ILLiad requests)
  • RFID integration
    • Relies on SIP2 connection
  • Authorization and roles:
    • Could be driven systemwide; should consult with other working groups (e.g., Access Services)
    • Roles assigned to staff
      • Create best practices with regard to staff roles
  • Best source of complete records (OCLC etc.)
    • Question: What needs to be loaded after the Vanguard campuses? Would it be possible to export the Network Zone and know which of our records are not represented in the Network Zone? Should we only load those records that are not present in the Network Zone?
  • LMS Integration
      • Campuses using Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard
      • Reading List Integration via Alma API to embed in an LMS / another system
      • Make calls to Alma API for Real-Time availability (if item is on the shelf)
      • Primo: New/Modified records take 24-48 hours to come over. Primo harvests from Alma twice a day.
  • CMS Integration
    • San Marcos working on connecting their library website (Drupal) logins to Alma account info to add personalization to the site
 Developing Best Practices 

Working with Campus IT

  • Gathering, distributing, creating information that explains ExLibris functionality needs and why it's important
  • Provide any assistance needed for Analytics Working Group in formulating queries

Working with ExLibris support (troubleshooting and reporting issues)



 Survey/Skills Inventory? 

Skills Inventory, e.g.: Server environment knowledge (e.g., Linux, Microsoft/.Net)

Anything missing from the September 1st Alma Migration Forms?

Action items

  • Prioritize 3rd party integration needs
  • Review the data on the September 1st Alma Migration Forms (who's using RFID, authentication preferences, etc.) and develop survey based on anything else we would need to know.
  • Gather and share data extraction best practices for extracting data from III
  • Gather and share any tips about OCLC reclamations 
  • Create flowchart/best practices for reporting issues and troubleshooting
  • Working with Campus IT:  Gathering, distributing, creating information that explains ExLibris functionality needs and why it's important.
  • Create best practices with regard to staff roles/permissions in Alma
  • Standardize user roles for patrons in Alma
  • Documentation/ best practices for maintaining data in Millennium after go-live (legality and what do people need access to)
  • Create and share documentation and scripts for third party integration (ILLiad (NCIP connection and Authentication), EZProxy, PeopleSoft, CashNet)
  • Standardize input/output format for PeopleSoft financials
  • E&IT/Accessibility (Section 508) documentation for ULMS systems
  • Create and share documentation for RFID integration
  • LMS (e.g., Moodle) Integration
  • Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will create Doodle Poll for monthly systems meetings through Collaborate
  • Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) will share data from Load Profiles listserv about "protect everything" loaders